Thursday, March 19, 2009

I think I now love Kristen Stewart

This is hilarious. The interviewer calls her a bitch, behind her back, of course, and says he's just doing his job. Only if his job is to be a douche and ask her the same GD questions she's heard a million times. Why don't you do your fucking job and ask her something we all haven't heard over and over, you stupid little fuck wad.


Anonymous said...

Good Lord. Is that an actual show on TV? It's horrendous. It made me want to gauge my eyes out with a spoon and shove an ice pick in my ears.

Dirty Disher said...

Apparently if you're an untalented unattractive cunt with the IQ of lard, you get a tv show.

Anonymous said...

Bah, they removed it. What was the show name again?

Anonymous said...

oh sorry some stuck up spoiled movie star has to sit through questions regarding a movie SHE is in, that SHE is trying to sell, and the interviewer who is trying to promote HER! suck it up and do your job...don't like answering questions? I'm sorry who are you? you have been in one movie that anyone knows about and will forever be "bella" so better enjoy it now, cause when they aren't asking you questions you'll be wondering why...there are a lot worse jobs then answering a few fucking questions, that pay a lot less.....

Anonymous said...

It's her job to answer the same stupid questions over and over again. It's called a junket....and they are contractually obligated to do them. It's her job. Suck it up buttercup. It's the same shitty questions being pounded out for every shitty movie they make for their entire career. Seeing as how she was a nobody 6 months ago.. what the hell else can they ask her.

Anonymous said...

Okay I am a Kristen fan. But as a female I find this to be extremely offensive. Didn't you notice how uncomfortable the other actor was as well? Why didn't they call him a bitch or an asshole? I didn't think her facial expressions were that extreme...come on. How many times have actors not answered questions where they didn't want to answer? Like she is the first one! Apparently I heard Dan Levy is getting reprimanded for his comment about her...he gets what he deserves. It's so okay nowadays to use the bitch word in regards to know the real truth. Dan Levy is a female bashing narcissistic egotistical douche that just wants to be Kristen so he can play tongue hockey with Rob P. He's just a fairy like Perez Hilton who is jealous and would trade their ugly faces to be Kristen for a day. Prime example is Joaquin Phoenix...dude he was 100 times worst on David Letterman and I don't hear Dave bashing him? And I do not hear people calling him and asshole or a bitch? I am so sick of our gender biased society that is so quick to call girls either bitches, hos, or sluts....Dan Levy I hope your managment laid it on your ass thick!

Anonymous said...

ha! you guys are ridiculous
the whole interview she was being incredibly rude.. not just with one question. And if you actually pay attention to the clip.. the interviewer did not call her a bitch, her co-host did.they are both hilarious, and he can state his opinion. PLUS, he is still on television.. too bad for you guys.