Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jennifer won't shut up about Brad

Hello Magazine: You were with Brad Pitt for seven years - and married for five. It must have been very intense, in the public eye? Aniston: “It was. But I don’t regret any of that time with Brad and I’m not here to beat myself up about it. They were seven very intense years together, and it was a beautiful and complicated relationship. I will love Brad for the rest of my life - you can’t take away good memories. I really do hope that we’ll be good friends again at some point. You can survive anything - human endurance is unbelievable. But yes, it’s sad coming to the end of something special. You try to avoid all the pain but that somehow causes even more. I’m a human being, have human experiences.”
Okay, she's on my nerves now. She knows they're going to ask her these butt fuck moron question and she could just demand that they stop. She's a star, for crap sake, she could take control. Instead she blabbers more Brad shit. Just shut the fuck up, Aniston. BTW, does anyone think it's a coinkydink that Brad and Angie are rumored to be on the rocks and Jen suddenly starts professing her love for him? I think not. This is getting pathetic.


Anonymous said...

I like Jennifer. I like her a lot better than Angelina.

At least she talks about it and doesn't deny her feelings. Brad is a cad.

Anonymous said...

She looks very pretty and young in this picture. I don't think there is a chance in the world that she would even take Brad back (if the offer were made). She's too smart for that.

Anonymous said...

getting interesting

Travis Noodle said...

Oh how I love that woman's hair. I wonder how much of it is her "real" hair.

Anonymous said...

The only pathetic thing to me is that much of this is speculative rumor trumped up by trash journalism.

Brad and AJ will probably always have a rocky relationship, but they both clearly wanted a buttload of kids and OBVIOUSLY Aniston does not. I really don't see how they're different from most people. I really don't understand why every tiny thing they say or do is worth examining.

Anonymous said...

Pleeeeeeeeezzz tell me it's true about Skankalina and her bitch being on the rocks.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I would pass comments such as she did after this many years. I think it's a bit humiliating.

Anonymous said...

This comment is about 4 years old. She said this a few months after her divorce when she was starting to date Vince Vaughn.

Anonymous said...

GOD!!!! SHUT UP JEN!!!! he doesn't want you anymore!!! take the advice from your own dumb movie...HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I bet she said all that knowing it would be brought to both Ang & Brad's attention eventually, with the goal of bugging the hell out of AJ.

Anonymous said...

4:28 I expects morons like you at JJ.

Anonymous said...

Why wouldnt she make life hard on Angie? Revenge is always a motive. Come on DD, you never hated somebody so much that you didnt tweak them any chance you got?

Anonymous said...

oh bladiblabladiblaaaaa. shut the fuck up already. i'm tired of hearing the same old bullshit from her. and the brangelina fight is the same old recycled crap those mags spurn out every month..adoption? no...pregnancy? no...anorexia? no...they're on the rocks! bloody genius!