Thursday, March 12, 2009

Joaquin Still Playing the Heel

Joaquin Phoenix still hasn't gotten sick of his little experiment in mass alienation. In fact he upped the ante last night by staging a fake fight with a "heckler" at his rap show. Even if he were sincere about the rapping thing...people wouldn't come to his shows to hear him, they'd come for the spectacle. Sad thing for Joaquin is that now he has to top this. He has to shave his head and change his name to MC Kojak or get some crazy symbol tattooed on his forehead or beat the hell out of Rihanna. Otherwise it'll get stale.


Anonymous said...

lol ok that was funny crabbie

Anonymous said...

God, could I care less about this guy? no.

Anonymous said...

The man is seriously having problems, got to be, that can't be all an act for some role.

Anonymous said...

even if he is acting, or is honestly crazy, he is a giant douchebag. actors think everyone in the world should give two steaming piles of shit about them. they are all full of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Another proud product of the Children of God. Joaquin has claimed many times there is nothing wrong with this cult and it had no effect on him. Yeeeahh...

Anonymous said...

Regardless of all this shit I still think the guy's a brilliant actor. Just wish he'd give up this crazy façade and go back to doing what he does best.

coffee fan said...

Joaquin Phoenix is too deep for anyone to understand what he is doing with his career right now