Thursday, March 19, 2009

Johnson and Johnson tampon ad

That sucks.


Anonymous said...

Keep trying, you obnoxious, ridiculous, desperate corporate marketing "expurts"!

They're the most useless trash I can think of.

Dirty Disher said...

It's nasty. So are OB's, they don't have an applicator.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me that is a joke.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That's funny shit.

But seriously...not a "real" ad....right?

Anonymous said...

That is the most disgusting ad I have ever seen. I can just imagine a bunch of fat balding ad execs peeing their pants laughing at how clever they are over it.

Dirty Disher said...

I found it at Agent Bedheads.

Anonymous said...

That's actually kind of clever . . .

Anonymous said...

I dare them to run it as a real Ad lol.

Anonymous said...

I get it!
Because Vampires SUCK BLOOD!

Anonymous said...

Gawd, the worst joke I have ever seen. & agreed, OB's are awful. Use ur finger to shove it up there with all the bloody goo running down your wrist! No thanks! This is gross, makes me think of a guy drinking period blood. Well, actually Kurt Cobain painted with his wife's!!! EEWWW!!! This is just the nastiest. Never seen a man in a tampon ad ever before. JOKE????

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand how you can bleed for a week and not die.

Anonymous said...

I agree..that is disgusting..I love vampires but this is an image I don't need...


Anonymous said...

7:16:00... me either. I was always convinced I would die..and it felt like it too.

Anonymous said...

OMG! 7:16...u totally hit the nail on the head with that comment! Thank you! Thats no shit.

Anonymous said...

HaHa. I do not know why I am laughing but I think it's funny.

So not only is this a tampon ad but an oral sex ad too.

Anonymous said...

ob's are awesome, they fit in your pockets!!!