This is a promo for Lindsay Lohan's new movie Labor Pains...but don't be looking for it at your local theater. In a statement from the film's producers, it was announced that the movie, supposedly Lohan's "comeback," will be premiering on ABC Family in July with a DVD release set for August. In case you'd forgotten, the movie stars Lohan as a young professional trying to get ahead by pretending to be pregnant. Lindsay Lohan as a liar? There's a stretch...
I bet she's furious at the straight to dvd release after a tv viewing.
What else can she expect, no studio can count on her and shes nolonger bankable at the box office.
Here's a stretch...her vagina.
Ewww! What's that smell? Almost like a combination of wet rat, burning skank, and Chanel!
Eric that was positivly stomach turning lol.
Yea, nobody is gonna watch this. Really? ABC Family? Thats insane. Wow, this chick needs to just go away & stay there.
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