"She wanted to read me like a Braille book. And she did. It's a vampirical thing."
I don't know what this is all about, really, but, you can bet your white go-go boots it's more than stealing style. No one had any style in the 60's. Kate is 30 years younger and the two were party buddies. Is it presumptuous of me to think there was giant piles of good blow involved in this friendship? Whatever, the old pictures are fun to look at and I'm sure Marianne is working on a book which will explain it all in depth. The problem is, other than who she fucked in the 60's, I don't really care. Oh, and in close ups, she looks like Linda Tripp.
I don't know what this is all about, really, but, you can bet your white go-go boots it's more than stealing style. No one had any style in the 60's. Kate is 30 years younger and the two were party buddies. Is it presumptuous of me to think there was giant piles of good blow involved in this friendship? Whatever, the old pictures are fun to look at and I'm sure Marianne is working on a book which will explain it all in depth. The problem is, other than who she fucked in the 60's, I don't really care. Oh, and in close ups, she looks like Linda Tripp.
"No one had any style in the '60s." Are you fucking crazy?!?! That was the most stylish decade ever!
A-NOTH-er ex-celebrity publicly airing her insecurities? Why don't the Lauren Bacalls and Etta James' understand how much attention they call to their weaknesses when they criticize the younger celebs this way? Not classy.
- "No one had any style in the '60s." Are you fucking crazy?!?! That was the most stylish decade ever!
And I completely agree with this comment!
I WAS THERE! Were you? Give me a break. Fur boots, bell bottoms, neru jackets...ugggg.
Oh, DD, she sorta DOES look like Linda Tripp there, but usually she looks soooo much better. Get a pix of Trippy -- she is so hideously hideous.
People in the 60s had great style. Loved it then, love it now.
"No one had any style in the 60's"
Who are YOU to make such a ridiculous statement? You're fucking nuts.
Yep, that's gotta be it.
Kate Moss, Sienna Miller, and practically every one tries to copy the style of 60's fashion icons. Marianne Faithful, Franciose Hardy, Jane Birkin, Audrey Hepburn, and Jackie Kennedy were all 60's fashion icons and their way of dressing is still being copied to this day.
According to your logic, Jackie O didn't have style... eh Dishy?
The fact is the sixties were hugely influential on many flattering and many now timeless styles for men & women to this day. A few being (re: the ladies); the chin-length bob, kitten heels, patent shoes and bags, the black/white houndstooth print, shorter dress lengths, babydoll dresses, the bikini, sleeveless and cutaway armholes, even Michelle Obama... (favoring the sleeveless shift) often looks like she could have stepped right out of a 60's fashion shoot.
How sad that someone who is clearly intelligent **and lived through the era** would see 60's style as a cartoon of Nehru jackets, exaggerated bell-bottoms and "fur boots", rather than the decade that brought us the timeless icons of style like Jackie, Twiggy & Mary Quant.
You know you're wrong on this one, Dish... woman-up and admit it.
According to your logic, Jackie O didn't have style... eh Dishy?
The fact is the sixties were hugely influential on many flattering and many now timeless styles for men & women to this day. A few being (re: the ladies); the chin-length bob, kitten heels, patent shoes and bags, the black/white houndstooth print, shorter dress lengths, babydoll dresses, the bikini, sleeveless and cutaway armholes, even Michelle Obama... (favoring the sleeveless shift) often looks like she could have stepped right out of a 60's fashion shoot.
How sad that someone who is clearly intelligent **and lived through the era** would see 60's style as a cartoon of Nehru jackets, exaggerated bell-bottoms and "fur boots", rather than the decade that brought us the timeless icons of style like Jackie, Twiggy & Mary Quant.
You know you're wrong on this one, Dish... woman-up and admit it.
anon 6:42 - We're just expressing opinions. Is it so important to you that you have to call it 'sad' that DD doesn't agree with us?
Lighten up!
Interesting discussion about 60s fashion in here today.
I have to say I agree with DD. I was there too and trust me, it's not how most young people imagine it. Only some of the most simple designs, fabrics and colours became stylish in the 60s but even they were based on something that came before. Throughout history, simplicity and function remains stylish. Fads like ugg boots, ponchos and plastic raincoats come and go.
What makes anyone think women went around dressed like Jackie O? Who still wears hats formally, pillbox or otherwise? Anyway average people had no more access to couture than they do now.
Every day stuff available to the peasants was not necessarily like what you see in vintage stores, mags or in old movies. There were some good pieces of course but it was rare as it is today to find something that fit your comfort, budget and size.
Some of the geometric/psychedlic styles and patters combined with acid colours were just garish, loud and fugly. They didn't look good on anyone. They don't today. Some of the designs were cheap knockoffs in cheap fabric and wore uncomfortably, just like today. Just like lots of so-called current "style", it looked like utter shite on a lot of people. There were just as many fashion victims walking around, sometimes just due to lack of choice.
How many women can pull off low-rider jeans today? And how many women can pull off catseye spectacles or granny (round) glasses or beehives under synthetic scarves, or square-cut angular clothing with huge lapels in burnt sienna paisley or acid green. Or raccoon eyeliner a la Amy Winehouse. Bright blue eyeshadow and white lipstick. Pantyhose. Or imagine walking around wearing a big stinky wig on your head all day if you're an office worker or a nurse or something. Some women did, our school secretary did and I was once screamed at by a nurse in a wig AND a pair of catseye glasses. Ugh. It wasn't what some of you are thinking, I can guarantee you.
Some things then that were better than todays IMO: Bell bottoms and capri pants. Women's traditionally-cut casual skirts and trousers and some pieces were better made generally if I recall correctly. I could be wrong, it's been a while.
so what you and the disher are old and have no idea what style or fashion is all about. To deny that Jackie was a major fashion influence is to admit to blindness and ignorance. I probably missed some of your points because I don't come to blogs to read short stories.
No 9:38 you obviously come to blogs to be a snotty cunt anon.
I love 60's style. I lived through it, too, and I still miss my bell bottoms, though I've recently gotten a pair of jeans that take me back to that time.
In any era, not all style suits everyone, but the 60's were such a breakout time for all sorts of influences. I remember the neon striped dresses with go-go boots, the nehru-inspired jackets (on women, too), the short or long hippie clothes. . . :::sigh:::
I do miss that, but I get it that it looked different to DD. To each their own.
Hmmm, who should we believe, people who lived in the times or some fat, smug, 30ish SAHMs in WallyMart plus-sized fashions who get all their opinions from Star magazine and Oprah. Like 9:38 obviously. Just an ignoramus incapable of thinking for herself but who of course has no problem calling someone else stupid.
9:33 that was a little long but I appreciated it. I have pictures of my older relatives in those days and no they didn't look good in those clothes. I don't like the decor much either. Garish is an understatement. Your point about knock-offs of couture fashions for the peasants is well taken and anyone with a brain knows it.
the 60 fashions were grOOvey man
i dont know about you dirty..you think Prince Charles is handsome....... ( he is FUG)
10:57 typical response from an idiot. The fat person at the computer is so tired and proves that you have no originality. If you and the cunt 10:27 had any knowledge of fashion and the influence it has had on society you wouldn't be expressing your uniformed opinions, morons.
...was in the university scene in the 60's - long hair, boots, great belts for bells. Besides the hippie garb (which I wore), you had the young edwardian look, which was/is fabulous, you had the gunny sacs look, which was feminine & sexy at the same time...and more. Earlier in the 60's was Jackie. Hell yea I wore pill box hats and understated suits, shifts with unique belts. When the 70's brought on leisure suits, fashion took a nose dive
Yeah DD I was there and I loved most of it. I loved exposed midriffs, long soft hair, natural fabrics (NOT fur) and I loved the dresses and shoes Hepburn and others wore. Sling backs are still my favorite shoe.
Oh, it all looked good in the magazine pages. In real life we looked like idiots.
Anyone want to talk about white lipstick and elephant bells? Yeah, I didn't think so.
marianne is god you dumb bitch
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