Thursday, March 19, 2009

Matilda get some flowers

Michelle got her coffee (thank goodness) and Matilda scored some flowers. I think they're Pansys or Johnny Jump Ups. It reminded me that Spring is coming and Lis and I have been digging in the garden. It's so stress free, there's nothing they can do wrong with a little spade and a plot of dirt.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there dd.

Dirty Disher said...

I am. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I always love seeing pic's of those 2 - it just gives you hope that some celebrity are normal people and treat their kids like ones too.

Never liked gardening till I got my own house - now it is very theraputic and I can just picture you and Lissa in the gardan and it makes me smile - I can just see you putting the dirt in the pot and her dumping it out lol.



Dirty Disher said...

We're digging a fence garden for veggies. She says she don't like 'em and aint eating them FOREVAH. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

As I sit here drinking my Dollar Store brand of V8 juice,(its very good with tabasco added)...I too am encouraged by the weather lately and cannot wait for fresh veggies & homemade salsa! I like this pic too. They do seem pretty sedate & normal by Hollywood standards. Maybe living in NYC helps with that.

Anonymous said...

I like that Dollar Store veggie juice, it's good. Love their steak sauce for a buck too.

Anonymous said...

Aww that's a sweet pic..I like it..


Anonymous said...

i LOVE Mathilda's look. i really do. i SWEAR, i know that some people posted that they thought i was a peodophile because i saw suri's hairdo as sexual. (what can i do? i was sexually abused as a child, does that make me sensitive to these things or a peodophile? either way, i'm fucked.) but i digress, today i was looking at a photo that clearly showed that suri's hair was specifically cut to create blindness in one eye and on the opposite page was a sexy model with the same look. sorry, but they do that to child beauty queens too. which reminds me dd, did you get your little one to watch little miss sunshine? little miss sunshine is a real Mathilda.