Monday, March 16, 2009

Meghan McCain Needs to Shut Her Fat Yap

Meghan McCain has gotten herself into a regular old media pissing match with conservative wack-job radio host Laura Ingraham. The unpleasantness began because McCain criticized Ingraham and her fellow anorexic blonde righty nutbag Ann Coulter for...something. Laura, in her usual cunty manner, fired back at McCain by calling her "a plus-sized model." This caused the big-boned Meghan to go off on an extended multi-outlet body image rant that has included appearances on Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow, and numerous Twitter postings where she, among other things, compares herself to Christina Hendricks, the chesty redhead on Mad Men. And today on The View Meghan said:

What do young women think when I speak my mind about politics, and I want to have a political discussion about the ideological future of the Republican party, and the answer is, "She's fat, she shouldn't have an opinion?"

Fat girls don't usually care about politics anyway...they're too busy trying to kill the pain with Oreos and new pairs of shoes that won't fit on their fat feet. How about bitching less and exercising more Meghan? Then that meanie Ingraham won't be able to attack you for being a manatee. She'll have to go after you for being ugly and stupid instead.


Anonymous said...

Crabbie you crack me up sometimes, but dude, you crossed the line lol never ever ever call a woman fat regardless of the zipcode on her hips, they are gonna chew you a new one lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm no Republican. Hell, I'm not even an American. I am a woman, however, and I don't think that women should be tearing each other down about their weight. It's irrelevant & makes female politicians & pundits look like idiots.

Anonymous said...

I gotta go with Meghan on this one. Love you Crabbie, but she's right. Laura is a douchebag. Meghan made a political comment, with no reference at all to anything personal, and this bitch comes back with a "you're fat" comment? I'd like to punch that witch in the face. If anything it proves Meghan's point that this bitch and her ilk are useless.

Anonymous said...

this post is stupid, sorry, I used to think you're smarter. Annie

Anonymous said...

She doesn't look fat to me and even if she was fat, does that discount each and every opinion she holds or spews? I think not.

Not a Republican fan here, but we are Americans and HELLOOOO we each have a right to express our opinions no matter our age or waist size.

Anonymous said...

And a post calling a woman "fat" was made by a big-as-a-barrel man.

Yes, really. I've seen him.

But I guess being FAT doesn't matter if you're a man, eh?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I personally love your take on world news and politics. I don't always agree, but I know you have smarts...makes me wonder what you do when you aren't posting here.

Anonymous said...

not crazy about what you posted here.
sometimes i wonder why DD has you posting at all.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:49..everything is negative..even for a gossip page.

"Fat girls don't usually care about politics anyway...they're too busy trying to kill the pain with Oreos and new pairs of shoes that won't fit on their fat feet. How about bitching less and exercising more Meghan?"

Was there a need for that? Really? If you only opened your eyes and saw how many women and children are dying of anorexia in this world because of stupid statements like you just made it might change your mind..though I doubt it. If you can't post with some form of intelligence instead of downright horrible insults then why be here Crabbie? I have found the site has gone way downhill since you arrived.


Anonymous said...

I Love pass the oreos

Anonymous said...

If those annoying followers, the anorexic women, had a brain in their heads, they would get double-stuffed Oreos, a pint of ice cream and call it a day. What sheep. I mean McDonalds has a dollar menu.

I love you Crabbie. I wouldn't hold my breath for a "comment of the week" award and a t-shirt!


Anonymous said...

I guess fat gay guys dull the pain by bug chasing and glory hole cock swallowing. I don't know why DD has you posting on here. You used to be funny but for the last 6 months your shit is tired and bitter.

Mrs. M. said...

Three Words: Sit. Down. Ho.
Just sit down.

Anonymous said...

i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks that DD has gone down since you started "posting," if you can even call it that. you. suck.

Anonymous said...

Ingraham and Coulter are the embodiment of pure evil. They just want Meghan McCain to shut up becasue SHE wants something better for the republican Party than these two twats have to offer.

The Republican Party is in trouble and one big reason is twatty pundits like Coulter and Ingraham. And their counterparts, blowhards Rush and Hannity. These people have nothing to offer but pure hate. Honest, dignified, ethical Republicans can't run away from this crap fast enough.

Anonymous said...

Finally some people that agree with me, yeah crabby......time to rip blogging....'cause you suck ass!


Anonymous said...

I'm a "broad" broad and I like my politics like everything else---straight. Except for you Crabbie. You I like. You stir people up.
But back to the subject. Never and I mean NEVER mix politics and oreos. All you'll do is mess up a good bag of oreos. It seems nothing good ever comes from politics!

Anonymous said...

Come on, Crabbie, there's nothing wrong with Meghan that 2 hours a day on a treadmill inside a sauna wouldn't cure.....


Anonymous said...

I am excited about the Republican party geling together while witnessing the hole Pres. Obama is digging for us.
Janet Napolitano doesn't even call terrorism an act of terror, instead she calls it a "man made dissaster". When we get hit again; is anyone gonna blame Obama's weak policies and inept leadership in time of war?. Doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Crab, I quit reading your blogsite a year ago because almost each post was mean in spirit. Lots of blog sites give celebs hell, but mostly are tongue-in-cheek and fun to read. You do not seem to know the difference between satire and rude/bitter. I miss the tone of this entire blog site since DD invited you on board. However, knowing that you will be staying, try to tone it down. This post leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth, and it's not the coffee.

Anonymous said...

crabass you better start back-peddling and FAST. seems like only a few people really like you being here and that doesn't look very promising.

Anonymous said...

Somehow, amid all the PC notions, you dare not discriminate based on the color of skin, the ethnic origins, the religion or belief system of a person, their sexual orientation. Anything relating to any of these could be punishable by the law. But, it's still okay to discriminate against people for their size. It's just not right. The Republican party needs to clean this shit up before it smears across all their ugly faces.

Anonymous said...

Does no one think Crabbie was being sarcastic? By exaggerating what Coulter expressed, he was essentially mocking her stupidity, not Meghan's...

Dirty Disher said...

Crabbie's a pot stirrer. If you like me so GD much, how come he gets more comments???

Anonymous said...

Oh 12:22, I used to really like Crabbie. Sure, he was asshole but he was funny and he didn't get too political. When he did he made fun of both sides. Then came the election and he became completely obnoxious. It bled into his other stuff and he stopped being funny. Now he's just hateful. I like the DD because she's funny and not a bitter old troll. Unfortunately I think Crabbie wasn't being sarcastic. I believe it all stems from his vagina envy.

Anonymous said...

Oh DD, you've had your own shitstorms! Let's revisit....China?


Anonymous said...

he's getting the comments, DD, because some of us want YOU to read how many of your bloggers are offended by this asshole. I will not comment on crabasses posts again because I won't read them. I am surprised that you seem to think his shit is okay. He is so out of line I don't even know where to begin. If his posts begin taking much more space, I will quit coming here altogether. That's a promise. Oh, I have been a loooong time fan

Anonymous said...

If you dont like Crabbies posts, why do you read them, and bother to comment? It cant be any easier to see who posts what people...