Friday, March 20, 2009

Michelle makes a kitchen garden

"Twenty-six elementary schoolchildren wielded shovels, rakes, pitchforks and wheelbarrows to help first lady Michelle Obama break ground for a produce and herb garden on the White House grounds."
I thought it was very cool to do this when so many of us are doing it right now. I know life in the White House is different than our house, for sure, but, at least it's a nod to rising grocery costs and everday life. When I started posting, I thought about all those kids and I was typing, wow, I wish I had 26 little slaves working on my fence garden! Then I remembered that the Obama's are black. Then I thought, no, fuck politically correct BS. Can you imagine what's going though the minds of antiquated bigots right now? Ha ha. Black chick is First Lady and has someone growing her collard greens (and spinach, broccoli, kale, herbs and berries.) I hope they were all white kids. LMAO! I hope the racist's tiny pea brains exploded. I've decided I like Michelle, she's a smart cookie. And she grows White House tomatoes. She also dyed the White House fountains green for St. Paddys Day. No one ever thought of that before. It was purdy.


Anonymous said...

I'll bet a little something "extra" gets planted amongst the tomato plants to help da prez relax after a hard day shootin' hoops.

Anonymous said...

She don't grow shit. She's not dressed to work on the garden, no gloves at the very least. This is just another "look at me moment"--

Anonymous said...

Love it and everything you said too DD.

I do hope that on a larger scale they address the ridiclious rise in cost of living. A rise that hasn't been matched in our paychecks either. I don't know about anyone else but i'm not buying special things or extra's, i'm very frugal, but i'm paying way more then i used to for the same damned things. I come home from the grocery store sometimes wondering where a hundred bucks went because i'm able to carry it in a couple bags in each hand.

Dirty Disher said...

I know! Prices are ridic! I'm hoping we get some good garden in because I just paid 4 bucks for a tiny tub of grape tomatoes. Holy sheet. I don't buy many extras either anymore and I'm finding fresh produce is more expensive than a nice steak. Are fruit and veggies made of gold now??

7:40:00..that's fair. I didn't mean to imply she'd be out there working in it. It was a nod to us home garders and a good idea for the White House to raise some food. She seems real enough to me.

Anonymous said...

It's not just the prices, either. The money grubbers are now reducing the sizes of our products and selling them to us at the same cost! Check out the new Cheese Its box! Freakin' hilarious! Seriously, do they think we are all idiots!??

Anonymous said...

If she is digging up the lawn there, she might want to check out what's been used on that turf to keep it looking good all these years. Who knows what's in that soil.

Somehow, I don't think she's a gardener.

Anonymous said...

Freakin outrageous for the grape or cherry tomatoes now. I went around the store talking to myself gripping about the prices when i picked up a pink grapefruit and it was 1.59 EACH.(i'm sure they think i'm plumb crazy now) But come on One ONE a buck 59 are they nuts! Needless to say i went grapefruitless.

Been stocking up on the tin or frozen fruit & veggies when they go on sale, but it's just not the same.

Anonymous said...

I think this is cool. I mean really, when did you ever see Laura Bush with a shovel or green water in the White House Fountain. Everyone can find something to rag about, but GO MICHELLE, is all I can say. I just like the way she handles herself.

Anonymous said...

You never saw Laura Bush doing *anything* because she's a mindless robot and was always on the charger.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, like I believe this bitch works in a garden.

Major Majormajor said...

WTF is she wearing?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Obama!!!! I just got a big raise in my food stamps today! (I'm disabled for all you haters out there and I wish I was still able to work, especially at my old job boat building, every day)

Anonymous said...

You didn't see Laura Bush at the whitehouse with a shovel because she's too classy of a woman to do a phoney photo shoot. She was busy doing things like bringing awareness to women around the world about breast cancer, just to name one.

If she would have started a garden, what do you think the media would have done? She would have been the top story on the news for "vandalism". The media is as big of a joke as the do-nothing president, who doesnt have a clue of what he's doing. obama is a fabian socialist.

Major Majormajor said...

Socialism? Fascism? Socialism? Fascism? Geez? Which do you choose?
Laura Bush. She was always classy. Those anti-depressants and cigarettes did wonders for her demeanor.

Anonymous said...

Laura Bush was too high maintenance to stage a photo shoot. michelle just forces children to make a garden for her.
everyone sucks and i win

Anonymous said...

Maybe she's growing tobacco so Barak won't have to buy any in public.

Dirty Disher said...

There's good idea. Now where can I get Tobacco plants? I can teach Lis to roll.

Anonymous said...

3.13-I actually laughed out loud.

Anonymous said...

Love the Obamas. Love them.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad there's an increase in food stamps for those who need them.

cupcake said...

She's burying the bones of the babies she ate and turning ppl to stone with her witch-eyebrows. BTW I was 3:13.