Sunday, March 15, 2009

More Bullshit from the Gosselin machine

This is more crap..everyone who watches the show can see that it's Jon who lives in the house with those kids (unless he's bar hopping and coed chasing) and it's Kate who lives elsewhere. Otherwise, why doesn't she know how to take care of their dogs or how often he cleans up after them? Now Kate wants a talk show. She claims she's a best selling author.
I'm sick and tired of this cunt and her fans. No, I'm not jealous, I wouldn't take her life in a lens for anything. I'm not even mad at her for making a buck, or a billion..I'm flat sick of her lies. Don't tell me you wrote a book when the real author's name is on the front. Don't tell me you need a talk show when you can't talk about anything but yourself ..and with poor grammar at that. Don't tell me you feed your kids organic when it's clear you think organic means nutrition. Don't sell me your cook book when you feed your kids crackers and popcorn for dinner and it comes from craft services. Don't talk about your recipes when you have a personal chef. Don't stand in your laundry room talking about Tide, when you don't even do your own laundry. Don't wave that Christian flag in front of me and swear that God gave you 8 fertility induced children, a new mansion, designer clothes and botox up your ass. Most of all, don't call yourself mom of the year when you don't like your kids, can't stand being around them and moved out of the house. I don't need you, Kate Gosselin, you're a big fat botoxed liar with a free tummy tuck and a designer purse full of free plane tickets. What a cunt.


Anonymous said...


fucking excellent post. Long live dirty disher. If I were a lesbian I would be hitting on you right about now. lol

Anonymous said...

I love you DD!

Anonymous said...

and now tell us how you really feel :D

You rock DD as per ususal

and p.s. Kate you suck as per usual

Dirty Disher said...

The only thing this ignorant bitch has acomplished is having 8 kids. Seriously, wtf? Millions of people have a bunch of kids. 8? Big fucking deal.

Anonymous said...

Go DD! Kate G. is one cold hearted woman, a real shrew. The way she treats her husband is disrespectful and demoralizing. How can anyone think she is a good mom when she speaks to Jon like that in front of her children. Those kids are screwed.


Anonymous said...

I agree with every word you said!! The lies! If she would just admit that her live is not so "exhausterish" and stfu.

Her fans are the most uneducated idiots I've ever seen. They write on comment sections as if they are talking to Jon and Kate themselves!

Jealous? Yeah, I wish my husband was kissing on coeds and that my kid says on national TV, "I like Daddy better," or chant in unison, "MOMMY IS MEAN."

What a great life.

Dirty Disher said...

I know! That's my complaint with her..the damn lies are endless and don't even make sense. If she'd just say, I fucked up and 8 kids is too much for me, I'd have sympathy. Instead she tries to pull the wool over everyone's eyes and it's so clear she hates being a parent. Kate is 100 times worse than Nadya Suleman.

Dirty Disher said...

And another thing..I don't even hate her for putting her kids on TV 24/7. I hate her for showing them naked, having fits, villifing some, playing favorites and giving them no privacy at all. The kids have no life. They are only Kate's sideshow.

Anonymous said...

I agree, agree, agree with you DD. Now only is the mainstream media and every lazy, useless and Kate-loving housemom would agree, it would be an almost perfect world.

Fuck Kate and her fake world.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hate her, absolutely hate her more than I can say. Does that make me a hater? Well, I guess it does. I started out as a viewer, saying awwww about the kids and, oh, that is just like me, sometimes when disaster would strike (a dirty diaper spilling, whatever) and that turned to disgust and shame on all us for allowing this show to be on the air. I haven't watched it for a long time, but the best thing that could happen to these kids is for them and THEIR STUPID FRIGGIN' PARENTS, to fade away.....

Anonymous said...

Tyra has a talk show and she can't talk about anything but herself, so it might work!

Anonymous said...

"I don't even hate her for putting her kids on TV 24/7. I hate her for showing them naked, having fits, villifing some, playing favorites and giving them no privacy at all. The kids have no life. They are only Kate's sideshow."

Perfectly said, i wish someone at TLC would clue into the reality.

Anonymous said...

Hit the nail on the head with that one, DD.

Anonymous said...

Loved the post!

Anonymous said...

The end began when they had to convince their kids and viewers that they still loved each other by having a FAKEASS wedding.
Strangers were there and she "Thanked" him for marrying her again. He didn't listen to any of her vows (thought she had bible passages in it) and she said she'd try to talk kinder to him.
Phony bologna.

Anonymous said...

Any of you who have ever watched that show are part of the problem.

If no one had watched that disgusting show it would have died on the vine. You can't blame that bitch for taking that money-laden ball and running with it. Promised money and fame, most people would say YES to just about anything.

I'd bet that if you asked any of her family members and *old friends* they'd swear she was nothing like this before the money and fame entered the picture. In an unguarded moment, Jon himself would likely agree that the woman he married was nothing like the self-serving monster-mom she's become.

I'm not saying it's the viewers fault that Kate's the way she is... far from. But you can't escape the fact that were it not for the insane popularity of the show her kids would probably had a chance in this world. At this point, they don't have a prayer.

Poor little blighters.

Anonymous said...

Any of you who have ever watched that show are part of the problem.

If no one had watched that disgusting show it would have died on the vine. You can't blame that bitch for taking that money-laden ball and running with it. Promised money and fame, most people would say YES to just about anything.

I'd bet that if you asked any of her family members and *old friends* they'd swear she was nothing like this before the money and fame entered the picture. In an unguarded moment, Jon himself would likely agree that the woman he married was nothing like the self-serving monster-mom she's become.

I'm not saying it's the viewers fault that Kate's the way she is... far from. But you can't escape the fact that were it not for the insane popularity of the show her kids would probably had a chance in this world. At this point, they don't have a prayer.

Poor little blighters.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant post. Thanks, I really needed it! I HATE, HATE, HATE this fucking bitch moron! She totally sucks and she will rot in hell!

Anonymous said...

I think it might be time to turn off this show, people. Do you feel kind of dirty spending so much time thinking about it and getting all worked up? I've had to do that with some shows and it made me feel so much better. It's just stupid TV.

Dirty Disher said...

It IS stupid TV, but, they kind of aim it at kids..with all those kids, toys, Disney World etc. Then you get sucked in.

cakegirl68 said...

OMG! You are FUNNY as shit!!
I love reading your blog!

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks. Lissa cried to watch the Greedlin marathon last night. She calls the show "Them Kids." She says she wishes "them big peoples" would be quiet. Me too.

Anonymous said...

First time visiting your site! I couldn't agree with you more. Well said and said well!

Anonymous said...

Hi DD it's me Nina. I never knew you had your own site!!!
I loved your post!!
Frank, honest and sooo freakin true!
Congrats on winning the contest on musings. Your comment was great!

Anonymous said...

Great 'dish' DD!! Spot-on, KG is almost as screwed-up as Octo-mom.

Suzanne said...


Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the Table for Twelve that appeared after the finale? They have two sets of twins, and a set of sextuplets, one with cerebral palsy. They seem to enjoy each other, have fun, do stuff with the kids, mess be damned. They even took all of them out to eat. None of the kids matched though, that should never happen....