Saturday, March 14, 2009

More Gossip from the Brangelina camp

Brad and Angie have a deal..when one of them works the other stays with the kids. They take turns. Now, Angie's filming Salt and Brad invited his mom to move in. Angie threw a fit, saying that she had taken care of the kids while he worked, so she told him to tell his mom she wasn't needed. Angie calls the shots.
I totally believe this one. I don't care how many nannies they have, this is what men do. He's lucky she didn't rip his balls off. If he has balls.


Anonymous said...

No way this is true.

There's no way Brad isn't completely familiar with the rules by now. He would never inflame her by knowingly breaking a set rule. I'll bet he walks on eggshells all the time and the only reason he feels any security there is because 1)he's the father of the kids and she knows she'd NEVER be able to replace him - who else would take on such a brood?

And 2) he was once the biggest Hollywood god going and there are still lots of women who'd have him in a heartbeat if she threatened him too much.

So I'm not buying it. She keeps him in line with her cruel facial expressions and continual threat of withholding normal affection if he fucks with her wishes.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:56, you forget. . . he is still a man, and men always test the limits, or make dumbass decisions in one way or another. I love my husband, but he does it all the time, and talking with other women, he is just like any other.
I think this could have happened. It's possible, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't surprize me at all if he called in his mom to come help, i can't think of a man who wouldn't with that many kids, actually i can't think of one who wouldn't even with only one kid.

Anonymous said...

6:12 is absolutely right. Men break rules all the time. It's just part of being a man. Doesn't matter if you're Brad Pitt or Joe the Plumber.

Anyway, I'm still fuming over that cock 'n bull story about Angelina walking in on "Brad and the Nanny". How many of you honestly believe they hire nannies worthy of a second look? If Brad was *my* man, our nannies would look like Mrs. Doubtfire's mum. No need to put temptation within arm's reach... afterall.

Anonymous said...

my question, "Where do you get this information?" Brad, AJ, & company have very carefully scripted their public personae. So who would know their private disagreements? No one, that's who.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with 11:14!!! I'm so sure that these differences are leaked! If the story is even true! I'm calling bullshit on him asking his mother to move in! Like this woman has no life and he has no nannies!!! Give me a break! Guess what people, this family is happy no matter how much you want them not to be! Boo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Yea us men always break the rules. LOL who makes the rules? If my wife was telling me what to do we would have problems. A wife isnt a mother. I dont make rules for her, she shouldnt make rules for me. Its a partnership. If Angie is telling him what to do then of yea he is bucking hard!

Anonymous said...

What turnip truck did YOU fall off of, 11:34? Grandmas "move in" temporarily to help with celebrity newborns ALL THE TIME-- it's no secret, and MANY celebrities are open about it and have discussed it in interviews; TomKat, Pamela Anderson, Salma Hayek... just to name a few.

It's got nothing at all to do with being able to afford a crew of nannies. Celebrity moms (and dads) are no different than anyone else in realizing there's no better baby expert in the world than "grandma". And there's the added bonus of ensuring a little extra privacy at an intensely personal time for them.

It's easy to see why so many of them opt for bringing Grandma in for a few weeks. Even though the average new mother might not opt for having her mom move IN-- she might if she had a fully-staffed, 30 room mansion!

Anonymous said...

anon @ 11:34-
1-Get the stick out of your ass.
2-Realize this is a celebrity GOSSIP blog.
3-Shut the fuck up!

Devin said...

11:34 you know that they are happy only because they talk about it ad nauseam. No couple with that amount of children in the time they collected them could be as happy as they say. I call bull shit. Kudos 2:13 said so succinctly.

Anonymous said...

Celebrity secrets are leaked all the time by family members and staff. Some of them are paid pretty well to cue the press.
Usually "a source" is someone within the camp with the opportunity to observe firsthand.
You have to realize celebrities, especially those with large families such as the Pitt-Jolie clan, employ an army. Various nannies, personal assistants, press flacks, housekeepers (wouldn't want to do that one!), cooks, maids, groundskeepers, pool boys, etc. Many have access to the inner workings.

Anonymous said...

People need to move on and find someone else to gossip about..I mean..they are fishing for anything that has to do with Jolie and Pitt...Doesn't it get tiring?


Anonymous said...

He has balls - they just happen to be in Angelina's pocketbook most of the time.

Anonymous said...

No, Eliza raging on these two pretentious assholes never get tiring. However, what is tiring is your feeble attempts to try and make everyone see them the way you do. You need to pull you head out of their assholes.