Gristle's lawyers have confirmed they are filing adoption papers Monday. Madonna will, reportedly, have an assistant pick up a baby in Malawi this weekend. I don't understand why she's doing this. She just divorced her husband, she's touring all the time and why Malawi again? She had so many legal problems there last time. If you're too busy to go pick out a baby yourself and have to send an assistant, you probably don't need a new baby. I think this is her way of fucking with Guy's head some more. He didn't seem keen on adopting more orphans and now his kids will have a new sibling and he can suck it. And deal with it. It reeks of control issues and it doesn't speak well of Madonna.
NOTHING speaks well of Madonna though she's been stooping to new depths.
I think she had a bunch of cosmetic procedures done last year and her grovelers told her she looked 30 years old again! (while barfing in their mouths) and that her gristly, veiny arms looked 'fit and toned' and not to listen to her jealous critics, so she smiles while she flaunts those appendages cuz she knows she looks "30" and there's nothing we can do about it.
I think she's semi-demented, sick on power and completely ego-centric. It's a good thing she seeks help from the Kabbalah. Who needs spiritual guidance more than someone like that?
What is wrong with this woman besides the obvious thinking the world revolves around her and she can do no wrong. Why adopt a child when as DD pointed out your on tour, hardly home and just divorced. Money and lots of it is the only thing that allowed this to happen because if it was a reg person who was working away from home all the time & just divorced they would never approve that adoption for the sake and stability of that child. Makes me sick this attitude of sending someone to pick up a kid like their picking out the latest in designer boots.
I know. I'm feeling sad for a little child today. Having her life ripped apart and being shipped to a new country..by celebrity assistants. Jesus.
At least Angelina picks up her adoptees in person!!
She's soooo shiny (shiney?)...her skin is so oily and greasy looking. Does that go along with all the plastic surgery? I don't think she looks 30, maybe 30 x 2. With all the hard living she's done and the drugs and goodness knows what kind of psycho diets it is no wonder she actually looks much older than she is. And those arms and hands???? Totally like my grandmother's just before she died.
Her face looks plastic. Not young. But scary & freaky. She's almost got that whole Michael Jackson thing going on with her face. It appears to be very plastic & hard. Poor child will cry when she sees her new mommy and wonder where her real mommy went to! Did she buy this child from the real parents as before? Cuz I find that appalling & sad. At least the new child will have little David to help guide her through & keep her company. Wow, all this to keep feeling young? I am Madonna's age & the last thing I want is babies again. Thats the difference between real mom's & fake mom's tho. We have to take care of our crying, hungry,poopy & sick babies ourselves. I am done. I might be a grandma someday & I gotta rest up for that! LOL
isn't going to Africa & yanking people away from their people and bringing them to Amer. the way slaves were brought here a century (or so) ago?
She looks like 50-year old ass
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