Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama Makes Fun Of Special Olympics

Barack Obama is taking a lot of heat for making fun of the Special Olympics while trying to be funny about his lack of bowling skill on Leno last night. Well, everyone needs to calm down. Barack did nothing fact, I would call him a kind of hero. Political correctness is a plague and last night Barack struck a blow for all us dickheads who don't want to have to be careful about what we say/write. Of course, Barack felt the need to apologize effusively in a phone call to the head of the Special Olympics, but that's just cause he had no choice. Thankfully, us asshole bloggers can say whatever we want and never have to apologize for it ever ever ever. So, fuck the Special Olympics. Fuck all retards and spazzes. Fuck people who get to park closer to the building than me just because they're a little crippled. Fuck that dude who goes around in his wheelchair collecting cans. Fuck that guy who takes ten minutes to limp past my building every morning and makes me want to scream shit at him out the window. This feels good. Thank you Barack. You truly are a magic negro.


Anonymous said...

I just swallowed my gum laughing so hard. Crabbie...I love you and your comments.

Thanks for posing here no matter what the r-tards keep saying. I hope DD keeps you here forever.

Dirty Disher said...

People who get to park closer because they're retarded piss me the fuck off. If you're so "handicapped" why are you driving, you bucket of drool!

Anonymous said...

Those groups of retards the people walk around Target piss me off. Tongues lolling out the side of their face,same head has one eye lookin left and the other one looking right, making sounds that make you think they got their fuckin hands down their pants and they they run up to your cart and start grabbing your stuff and waving it around till the stupid jerk off heading up their little field trip comes over and takes it away from them and gives you that dumb ass grin and says, "I'm sorry...." Yeah, you bet your ass your sorry, you could be selling crack and making a killing instead of walking retards around a store pissing me off.

Anonymous said...

See what happens when he doesn't have a teleprompter?. Empty suit!!

Dirty Disher said...

2:30:00 PM..LMFAOOOOO!

Dirty Disher said...

I don't think the fucker has any business being on Leno. Doesn't he have things to do?

Anonymous said...

You are all disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I agree. We are.

Anonymous said...

Most of the people that get to park closer to the building are probaly only "handicapped" in the sense that they are so disgustingly morbidly obese that they can't make it to their complimentary motorized scooter w/o a king-sized snickers for energy.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:39. The biggest retard here today! What kind of an assinine post is that, you moron fucktard!

Anonymous said...

And crabbie, you are a magic fucking faggot. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I agree that obese people should not have the luxury of a handicapped parking spot or a scooter to ride around on. If their that damn big, they need to stay home. After all, they did it to themselves.

Anonymous said...

5:39 good one! you ROCK, and you're articulate too. i guess 8:15 must be so "disgustingly morbidly obese that they can't make it to their complimentary motorized scooter w/o a king-sized snickers for energy".

Dirty Disher said...

Addictions are hard to beat. I feel bad for 'em.