Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Octo gets two of her eight

Nadya brought two babies home, Noah and Isaiah. The hospital finally started to release them after Nadya complied with all of their requests, right down to how many smoke alarms and CO2 detectors she had in her house. Which if you ask me, is totally nuts. Give the crazy woman her kids and make her go away.


Anonymous said...

I hated the scene in the garage with even the neighbors reportedly crowding in to take photos of the babies still in the car. Are we really that desperate for "entertainment"? These are tiny babies. They didn't ask for the attention. I know most everyone hates Nadya, but take her out of the equation and leave the children alone.

Anonymous said...

For people who hate her so much theres never a lack of trying to get near her is there.

Unfortunatly from here on in that family doesn't have a hope of any kind of normal, they will be regulated & watched over by big brother in the extreme and i'm sorry that isn't in the kids best intrest i don't care who likes or hates her.

Help her and the all the children adjust and get through these tough first few years, but all this doesn't bode well.

Anonymous said...

...Fortunately, anon 1:22, "they will be regulated & watched over". her adjust to a "few tough years" with 14 small children who have no father because there ISN'T one (or 14, as the case might be)? Do you think they actually have "a hope of any kind of normal"? NORMAL?
Agencies involved can't find these kids new homes fast enough. You have the beginings 8 fucked up people; and you have 6 kids already a mess. You think this woman should be left alone? think again

Anonymous said...

I think it is completely fair to require people to have basic safety precautions like smoke detectors & CO detectors.

Anonymous said...

I agree DD. Seriously, how many cracked out slutty ass women have had babies and the hospital gives them their kids? This is getting to be so stupid. The women has alot of kids but it's her fucking buisness. Yes there should be support to help her out but this is turning into a circus. Nayda needs to go out of the limelight or she will lose those kids.

Anonymous said...

If she looses her kids it will be her own selfish fault...

Anonymous said...

I can see this whole thung ending very badly.

Dirty Disher said...

I posted this before I watched the film. The paps disrespect for two tiny newborns was shocking and dangerous. Nadya should have hired bodyguards instead of getting manicures.

And yes, I stand by what I said. They are her kids, give them to her and stop the shit. No one checked my home for smoke alarms when I had babies. Or yours either. That hospital can kiss my ass.