Tuesday, March 17, 2009

OctoMom puzzles me

Nadya's getting her nails done..again. Who watches her 14 kids while she gets endless manicures, spends over a grand on makeup and goes shopping? I don't get it. I have one kid here, my house is a wreck and my nails look like shit. It smells like pee and Play Dough in here. I tripped on a Lego and spilled my coffee down the front of my shirt and the Operation game is stuck on the buzz sound. I may go insane before this week is over and there sits Nadya, cool as a cucumber, getting her nails done. Again. I just don't get it.


Anonymous said...

Why does it smell like pee?

Nadya lives in her own little world. Her features and expressions are goofy-looking. Her posture is poor. She doesn't seem to know what she's doing in her life.

One thing I noticed - there's no way she's "holding her babies" as she said she would. She doesn't spend enough time around them to even look after a couple of them well, much less all of them.

Anonymous said...

I agree! I have one child and I don't have time to do anything for myself! He's napping right now so I have a few minutes to check out your blog, grab a bite to eat and then its back to mommy mode. If we can't get manicures once a month how does this one find the time with 14 kids to pamper herself all the time! Someone needs to tell her that she's not Angie Jolie and people are not admiring her. She needs to stay home and take care of those kids or at least get a job. I'm so bitter right now...I want a manicure too!

Dirty Disher said...

It smelled like pee because she drank a huge glass of water before bed and refused to go potty first, like I asked her. The quilt is in the wash. She also threw a hissy when I asked her to go potty before bed and broke a McCoy vase. Got a time out in the corner and said "How dare you!

Naseem, buddy, I hear ya. Your little one is sure cute though.

Dirty Disher said...

My head hurts. Lissa says she wants to live here and never go home.

Anonymous said...

Really bright kids are a completely different breed from the others and there are people who've lived through this and who have helpful advice (I'm not talking about social worker-types who scare the piss out of me)


I don't have my resources anymore and don't need them - they're in their 20s now and doing fine. Avoid the smarmy, smug know-it-all authoritarian type Experts. You should be able to find a decent down-to-earth source of help at least online.

Poor Lis clearly doesn't get parenting from her mom, can't blame her for wanting a nicer home.

Dirty Disher said...

My home isn't nice, in the sense that it's a nice home...I live in a two room cottage that needs lots of work. My home is "nice" for her in that life is structured here and I love her dearly. She's frustrating, but, I've never spanked. I try my very best to never raise my voice and use time outs. She's in a special class for children with behavioral problems and I'm in touch with her awesome teachers. She hasn't had the easiest life, and it amazes me how well she does, really. I make sure she gets what she needs.Thanks for that link. I marked it.

Dirty Disher said...

Last night (I just have to tell this) I noticed that she was reading. She was putting movies back in their cases and got them all right. There are no pictures on the cassetts and she had about 30 of them out. We've been working on letters for months now, but, she was actually reading the titles. It was very cool. I could read at age 4 too.

Anonymous said...

Nadya has one hell of a nerve going into any hospital unit sporting fake nails. What an unnecessary risk she is taking exposing those babies to all those germs festering under those nails. I am so sick of this ignorant twat prancing all over the place. Skip the nail salon, the video store and Starbucks and stay home and take care of your kids! What a selfish bitch!

Dirty Disher said...

I agree. Same goes for the Gosselins..jesus, just take care of the kids..YOU HAD 'EM!

Anonymous said...

...aren't there agencies that are monitoring this? I actually am aghast at the enormity of the collective issues here. How can this continue? This isn't like AJ & Co at all. Those two are annoying, but kids are properly cared for. What will happen to Nadya's fatherless 14 young kids? speechless

Anonymous said...

Dishy wrote: "My head hurts. Lissa says she wants to live here and never go home."
Of course she does, Pat. My grandkid's have done the same after prolongued visits. Much as their parents love them, they're working so damn hard just trying to keep a roof over everyone's head-- keeping the kid's to a schedule just isn't a priority.

Most grandparents have a well-established routine and being so "set in our ways" we offer little ones a sense of security and stability they crave.

Oh, they bristle at first and fight us at every turn, but after a few days they take to our rules and our routines like ducklings to water.

Dirty Disher said...

That's so true..and love their little hearts. But, man, what I wouldn't do for a night alone.:) It's been weeks since I've had a whole night alone.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I wasn't talking about the decor of the home, but the structure and attention.
If it turns out she likes reading, that will be nice for her - infinite variety to feed her needs. But lots of bright kids don't like reading, usually attention-span problems.

Btw, my personal parenting problem was being unable to accept them as they were - I judged my success as a parent by how well they seemed to fit into society. You probably don't do that, but I'm just mentioning it incase someone benefits from this comment. I had to learn how to accept them as they were and it took me a very long time to be able to do this. Needless to say, it made a huge difference in everyone's emotional balance.

Anonymous said...

I wish the paps would stop following her around. This bitch clearly enjoys all of the attention.

Anonymous said...

The team involved at their home probably sent her out to do something to 'take care of herself or just for her time' sort of thing, trying to teach her how to balance and recognize limitations. Because i doubt she'd so openly play hookie knowing she's being watched like a hawk & every move analized.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell does a woman with that many kids need a manicure in the first place ? Guess she needs to look good for all those shows shes pimpin herself and her kids out on. Its ALLLL about the $$$ for this bitch.

Anonymous said...

It's a great compliment when she said that DD. She loves you and thinks you're cool :) What's better than that?


Dirty Disher said...

Nothing. Awww, she's a sweet little girl.