Friday, March 20, 2009

OctoMom's at it again, after the hospital warned her

You have to see THIS. Nadya Suleman has some book learnin' allows her to string a few big words together in her psychobabble world. As opposed to that other famous multiple mom, Kate Gosselin, who is just ignorant and can't even pronounce words, let alone know what they mean. But, Nadya talks about making the madness stop while she's giving an interview to Radar in her home. She even ends it with "See you tomorrow." When are we going to stop taking advice from people who have no clue? Make her go away! And Kate Greedass too! Pack up all your 400 kids you wanted so badly and get ta gettin'. Assholes.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think this chicks mouth looks like a baboons ass during mating season?

Nadya and the Gosslin shrew both took prostitution to a new level. Instead of selling time with their own cunts they figured a way to pop out their own baby whores to sell off.
Money hungry cunts raising the bar on how to be a low-life!

Anonymous said...

Yeah her injections are NOT enhancing her looks.... so wtf did she look like before?? Must have been pretty bad!

But I'm disliking her less after watching the interview. I think she's really trying to make sense of her childhood wounds.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing the crazy lady can say that will justify what she's done.
I'm sure there are better ways to resolve your childhood issues than popping out 14 kids you can't afford.

Anonymous said...

After reading what the PR person who worked for her had to say, there's NO WAY those babies are going to be allowed to remain in her care. I don't care how many damned "nannies" she has or how vast her "support system". The LA County authorities are sure to keep an eye on this madness and pull the plug on the insanity house.
Bitch is nuts. Fucking NUTS.

Dirty Disher said...

She IS nuts. I agree. But so is Kate and she's worshipped. It's all nuts.

Anonymous said...

Kate's gonna screw up sooner or later and all her freaking worshippers are going to turn on her and they're such a crazy-ass lot who knows what they'll do. that's why she's got the body guard to protect her from her own psycho fans. lol

Maybe Nadya can call Kate for some advice...She's figured out how to be an asshole on her own but Kate could walk her through the process of being a long term asshole.

Anonymous said...

So now she thinks she's an author? She really thinks the world is interested in her story?...Her life of disfunction (her mom's fault of course) but now she has it all together?

She will pimp those babies as much as she can for money...just watch her. And, she will continue to live in denial while she does it.

That's not what children are for.

Anonymous said...

LOOK, she categorically denies any lip injections and is sticking to her story that they enlarged during her pregnancy. Even a 2nd grader knows that the majority of one's body's fat is stored in the lips. Have you ever seen a fat person with thin lips? WELL HAVE YOU? I totally believe her! The same thing happened to me when I was pregnant...and when someone came at me with 10 syringes of filler.

Anonymous said...

I get mad when I look at Nadya, so mad, in fact, that I would just love somebody to bop her in the mouth and see if those horrendously horrendous lips would explode.

According to a plastic surgeon, who looked carefully at her photo, Nadya has had her nose, cheeks, chin and lips done. All of this when she had no money, well, except for that $150,000 or so she got for her disability.

Her mother claims she didn't know Nadya received any disability payments.

Did her mother ever notice the plastic surgery changes going on?

Nadya's disability happened when she worked at a mental hospital and someone threw a desk at her and it hit her in the back, or maybe it was her head.

So she couldn't work, but drew that disability over a number of months, and became pregnant with 8 kids. I had a set of twins and couldn't walk as well as she did while pregnant with 8 babies.

Then after the babies were born, she was shown jumping on a trampoline while holding two of her other children, all with her disabled back.

She got all that she hoped for though ...

Fame, paparazzi chasing her and camping out on her steps, a beautiful home equipped with beautiful new furniture, freshly painted, new floors, new appliances, every piece of equipment needed to take care of all of Nadya's 14 kids, plus a crew of nurses to give care to the newborns and the other six kids.

Who says crime doesn't pay. As Nadya. It pays VERY well!

Anonymous said...

sorry to say, but i'm beginning to do something i really, didn't want to do. i'm beginning to like her. i like the way she tickles her kids toes, snuggles up to them, she looks like a warm and loving mother (unlike nazi gosslin) and when you compare that warmth and love with the suited corporate types surrounding her (the nannies) it does make me feel a shudder on her behalf. how does a woman on her own survive that extent of supervision by cold conservative people? how is she going to hold onto her brood. i hope she succeeds. i hope she gets the time to play little piggies with her kids toes. everyone says i'm too soft!!

Dirty Disher said...

It's clear to me that she likes her kids as well as loves them. I like that about her. It's all a mess, the mistakes have been made and now it's about the children. She needs to realize that.