Thursday, March 26, 2009

OctoTwat wants a recording contract

A record producer source for Zach Taylor: "Nadya's people contacted us about booking some studio time over the summer to lay down a few tracks. She wants to go for a Madonna sounding EP record."
Well, Nadya, you have a lot of time on your hands. It's not like there's anything you have to do all day. I hear The Licks are free to do backup.

Rock a bye boobies,
fake lips like a duck,
please squirt your juice,
in my dixie cup.


Anonymous said...

8 tracks with octo-mom.

Anonymous said...

She looks like Alanis. Let's hope she doesn't sound like Alanis.

Anonymous said...

"Nadya's People"??? WTF!!! It's pathetic that she's become a celebrity and has "people". The only "people" she should have are ones to help feed, burp and diaper those kids.

If she wanted a "career" in music or anything outside of spit-up, snotty noses and loose stools she should have tried this before giving birth to an entire grade school class.

Eric in San Diego said...

Ok, I don't want this to sound mean or anything, but can this woman PLEASE get hit by a bus or a large piece of space debris? I am SO over this broad and her brood. It's bad enough that my tax dollars are going to be used to pay for this walking clown car, but does she have to try another attention getting device EVERY DAY??

Anonymous said...

Eric in San Diego, you do not sound mean. You sound reasonable. The world is insane, and when you look up "Insane World" in the encyclopedia, you will find OctoMom's picture right there proving it.

Anonymous said...

People??? Her "people" should be those 14 kids she is responsible for.
Why are some of the media feeding into this insanity?

Anonymous said...

she nasty

Anonymous said...

No Eric. You are hoping for the same thing that many are thinking.

Anonymous said...

somebody make her disappear, please. permanently.

Anonymous said...

Watch "E" Entertainment Hollywood News and she's on there every goddam night! Right along with Lohan, John Mayer, Aniston, and everyone else. It's nuts! She is totally getting what she wanted...attention & fame. Well played Octopussy!

Anonymous said...

Its amusing that she even has her own "people" LMFAO


Anonymous said...

well thats a real round-about-way to launch your recording career. get yourself inseminated and have a multiple birth. yep! that makes sense......

Anonymous said...

Britney's cousin Allie is kicking herself for not thinking of this first!

Anonymous said...

This woman is a freak of nature and I am counting down the minutes until the government comes to their senses and takes those poor innocent babies away. Octo-freak needs to be placed in a padded cell for the rest of the years she is able to reproduce and they should sterilize her after that, just in case!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a violent person by nature, but I've started having feelings that both freak moms, this one and Katie Irene, need a good beat down. I suggest that all the kids involved would be much better off if these women were not around. Put the two of them on an island somewhere by themselves with no way of escape and let their children live their lives. I'm sick to death of both of them.