Saturday, March 21, 2009

Queen Oprah condesends to Ellen

I don't know why Ellen's kissing Oprah's fat ass, she's 100 times better that bigot, Oprah. The only times I've seen that stupid O was in the doctors office and it's full of big ads for expensive shit. I pass it up for Field And Stream. The Ellen cover should be titled "Oprah allows a white person on cover!"


Anonymous said...

I'm also disappointed with Ellen, I thought she was joking to make a point about how arrogant Oprah is. It would have been hilarious if the offer came through and she told her to shove it.

Dirty Disher said...

I wish she had. I think it was a joke, but, Ellen is ever gracious.

Anonymous said...

I like Ellen and I wish she'd say no to the shared cover too. Oprah drives me nuts, she's so full of herself and i don't care what anyone says, she's as racist as they come.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Obama was the 1st & only person to ever share an "O" cover last month, & is still on newstands. I think Oprah just needs someone to stand behind so she can be obscured somewhat. Cuz we all know she's huge now. I have never bought her mag, never will. Rachel Ray's either. Both women are so full of themselves. Can't stand it. Hang out with "O", you will get book deals, a magazine & many TV shows. Hmmm...wonder if she has any real, true friends?