Reports say Brad and Angie are ready to adopt again, and this time the lucky kid will be from India. It's like Slumdog Millionaire except it's real and hopefully there won't be any shit or game shows involved.
Actually, there's a connection between this story and the Oscar-winning Slumdog: The rumor allegedly got out because of something Angie whispered to one of the little Slumdog Millionaire urchins when they all met at the Oscars. The dirty Hindu rugrat asked Angie why she hadn't yet adopted a kid from his native stinkhole, and Angie said, "Well, I'll let you into a little secret, we will soon." To which the rugrat replied, "Oh please take me take me take me!!! My father beats me and my mother tried to trade me for a goat and my uncle rapes me whenever he takes a mind!!! I want to live with you wonderful loving people and never go back to that festering sore of a country!!!!" Angie just laughed. Another dream crushed.
I honestly don't think anyone will care about this, at this point. I think the fascination with this is a big yawn now.
i thought the next one was gonna be african since they already have a matching set of asian kids?
It's like the twins thing, another Hollywood trend to copy. Wow, do they not get that nobody wants to be like them? Not really. Only Jen. This is the most boring as hell couple. I am frankly & officially saying, they can go to hell. Don't give a tinkers damn about them.
what you wrote here was cruel, disgusting and beyond racist. you're a filthy human being for thinking that this is amusing.
"Dirty, hindu rugrat"?
I'm an avid reader of this blog, because I appreciate the trademark wit and sarcastic humour that so may celeb blogs lack...(including Perez Hilton's).
But please leave out the racist overtones...it's a major turn off and you only lower yourself with it.
Let us be real here. Since when is Political correctness a measure of this blog?. Have you been to India? filthy doesn 't begin to describe it. One has to step on shit to take a shit!.
DD, I'm sad....I agree with Former Fan...its ur blog its ur choice...I willcontinue to read but my respect for u just went down to the lowest level from a high top when u lost ur son and showed such strength of charecter...
crabass, you outdid yourawfulself. mean-spirited. DD, I reckon you're going to keep him around. But why do you think he enhances your blogsite?
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