Friday, March 20, 2009

Richardson Update

Still dead...but there are new details coming out about what happened in the immediate aftermath of her accident. According to the New York Times, the original reports that she "seemed fine" right after clonking her head were not entirely accurate. It's true that Richardson did initially refuse treatment...but paramedics who arrived shortly after the fall say she was sitting on a stretcher, not "laughing and walking" like the resort originally tried to claim. Then the stunner: Turns out Richardson was not admitted to the hospital an hour after the accident as first claimed - in fact, it took three to four hours for her to receive treatment. An eminent brain surgeon tells the Times that, had Richardson received immediate treatment for the hematoma she suffered, she probably would've been fine. Sounds like the whole thing was handled badly by the resort and then they tried to cover it up. Fucking Canadians.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I'm Canadian DD. My kids couldn't even ride their bikes in our own yard without a helmet. It's the law.

Whether there was a coverup will come out...but let's just wait.

Anonymous said...

"Still dead.."
Fuck you.
You're disgusting

Anonymous said...

Sorry, DD! I thought it was your post...5:23 is meant for Crabbie.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if once she was in the ER, if a CAT scan, or an MRI, was immediatley ordered?

Also, I wonder if the hospital she was taken to was a teaching hospital. If it was a neurosurgeon resident would have been there, if not, then it would have taken some time for an attending neuro to get there.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to burst your bubble crabbie but the autopsy has already been completed (in new york) and it was said plain and simply that it was an accidental death, she died of blunt trauma to the head & it's unlikely anything else could have been done, no individual is being held responsible.

Still dead was totally tasteless on your part.

Anonymous said...

I have no beef with Canada..though I can't forgive them for giving us Celine.

Anonymous said...

This is probaby the most insensitive post I have ever seen on your blog... the "still dead" comment... seriously, I can't believe you would actually post that.
I am Canadian by the way and I think before you go dissing and blasting Canadians in general because of a rumored cover-up of a local ski hill (like things like that don't happen in the USA), you should get your facts straight instead of relying on hear-say.


Anonymous said...

Still dead? What kind of crass moron are you?

Anonymous said...

6:17 you hit it right on the head..crabbie is a moron.. I mean who talks that way about a woman who just lost her life?


Anonymous said...

Socialized medicine!! Is this what we are getting in the future bhere in the US?.

She was a beautiful woman surely missed by many.

Anonymous said...

Well, Anon 8:08, say what you will about "socialized medicine" but we Canadians think there is something really sad about living in a place where only the wealthy and elite can afford the best medical care.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of you crabasshole. go the fuck away you insensitive fat fag

Anonymous said...

10:20 Really? Weren't you the ones who a few years ago had to wait for 6 months to get an MRI? Didn't some of your citizens have to come to the US and pay out of pocket for cancer treatment, and then go back and sue because the couldn't get the care they needed? Yup, I think so.

Anonymous said...

Accounts say they she had to go on two ambulance rides to the two Canadian hospitals...if there were a helicopter to transport her to a trauma center, she might have had an even better chance. It was a freak and tragic event.

Bleeds like that can go bad really fast.

I am sure her 13 yr old son is giving the family an accurate account of events.

I wonder if they made a gift of life and chose organ donation? It's a brave and beautiful thing. I used to work in the medical community & help coordinate care for donations. The hardest and most rewarding job of my life. (And yes, she could have had an open casket, even if she was an organ donor.)

RIP, Tash. You will always be one of the loveliest and sharpest woman among us. I hope your loved ones will find comfort in their memories of you.

Crabbie, I love you. Wish you could be a little more delicate sometimes. You hit a nerve with me today. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

just because they worked at a canadian resort doesnt mean they were canadians asshole. if this happened in the united states you probably wouldnt say anything bad about the workers there would you

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's Canada's fault.

Anonymous said...

Re: The American jerk who is knocking Canada's health care system. At least they have access to health care. I work 2 jobs here in the states and have no medical coverage. I can NEVER have an MRI because I can't afford it. If I could wait 6 months to get a free one I'd be thrilled. My Canadian friends, this person does not speak for all Americans.

By the way, when did it become OK to rag on Canadians?

Anonymous said...

Dear Finger Pointing American Neighbours (and yeah, that's how we spell it!):

Watch a movie called Sicko - it's enlightening.

Can a homeless man in New York City walk into ANY ER and receive treatment? It is illegal in our country to refuse treatment to anyone requiring it. Do you want to know the funniest thing...I work in a border city hospital and guess what happens over 50% of the time we provide treatment to Americans? We eat it because they are discharged and never pay. None ever lose everything they own because of medical bills. Funny, we read about that happening on your side of the border every day.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you Crabbie you vile, venomous hag.

DD you are not doing yourself any favors having him here. This bitch is dragging your blog down.

Anonymous said...

dd you need to seriously have a vote by your readers to get rid of crabbie. he's horrible, insensitive and a major asshole. if you keep him on, you're showing that you approve of this kind of insensitivity. and that means readers leaving. please read these comments and talk to crabbie or just GET RID OF HIM.

and i would love to be able to go to the doctors without having to pay a fortune and i wouldn't mind waiting 6 months =D

Anonymous said...

Keep Crabbie. The fact is she is dead. Unless she is the Savior of the world she won't be back either.

You idiots act like she was your personal best friend or family member.

Read the disclaimer on the don't like what is written then I don't think the computer faries are twisting your arm to visit this site. Better still, start your own fucking blog and post your heart felt commets about some dead chick you did not even know.

Get a clue.

Anonymous said...

What do you care, Crabbie. She's "still dead"...right?

Anonymous said...

Maybe if people didn't work 2 part time jobs, they could earn health insurance by working one job with benefits.

I busted my ass to get good insurance. I remember when C. Everett Koop was the Surgeon General and he advised us all about the health crisis to come. I have worked shit jobs to get insurance.

You can thank your hero, Hilary Clinton for fixing the health care system during her husband's administration.

Do you know how many Canadian health care providers come to the US to work? A lot, because the taxes are too high.

You can get health care here. You have to know how to "use the system" to do it. Look at f-ing OctoMom. That bitch knows how to get a lot with government assistance.

For fuck's sake, use health department clinics to get family planning, children's immunizations and exams. Try it.

PS--it is illegal for hospitals to tun patients away. Don't really on Michael Moore for your information on health care. If indeed someone was turned away, they could make a shitload of money suing the hospital.

I've worked in an ED. You can't transfer people out of your hospital for not having insurance--it's the law. Hospitals won't receive MediCare coverage from the government if they don't comply. Ignorant fucktards.

Fucking whining people. I feel sorry for the families that lose loved ones everyday to a tragic death. That includes the strangers.

Anonymous said...

Do not get rid of Crabbie! He is aawesome. And although you are too, DD, I get sick of all the pics of you and your friends kids... this is supposed to be a celeb dish site, right?

Dirty Disher said...

This is my blog. I put readers pic on here on Sunday. Everybody's always bitching about something. And Natasha IS still dead..she did donate her organs. I don't know what to do about the people crabbie offends. If crabbie left, you'd still find something to bitch about.

Anonymous said...

Disher said...

I have no beef with Canada..though I can't forgive them for giving us Celine

LOL, ... On behalf of all Canadians, I apologize for that DD!

Anonymous said... I think it's pretty funny that crabbie pissed off Natasha fans and the entire population of Canada in one post. He may be going for a reacord.

Anonymous said...

And a record too. Duh. Have I told you how much he hates spelling errors? I must give him migraines.

Anonymous said...

With all the misinformation and going back and forth on her condition, I can see why he started the post with "Still dead". I fail to see why people are getting so offended, this is a gossip site. You want sensitivity about the situation, go to a memorial site for her or skip the post. Some of you are acting like he wrote that on a card to Liam Neeson for cryin' out loud.

Anonymous said...

I have never posted on this blog and I came across DD's blog while in a state of being bored out of mind while on chemotherapy and sitting around doing nothing all day, and since that day back in the fall of '08 I read everyday :)

anyways I like some of the stuff on here and some of the stuff not so much but everyone is entitled to their own opinions otherwise we'd all be robots but the comment about Canadian Health Care and how BAD socialized medicine is and all this business about Canadians waiting 6 months for MRI's and all this and that ticks me OFF!

I am an Ontario resident so my medical expenses are covered under OHIP except for my prescriptions drugs. I can probably count the number of times I had been to emerge on one hand before last summer when I was diagnosed with Stage 2A Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

I went to the er in early May had my first CT 2 weeks later, had the biopsy a week later and diagnosed about 2 weeks later (mostly due to me not following up .. )I was treated with chemotherapy, radiation, had a home care nurse come everyday to give me injections at a cost of 0 dollars to me. I had to go on a drug which cost about $1,400 bucks for 7 viles a week's worth of injections and guess what when I had no insurance to cover it (because I'm a student and was actually in between different schools) the hospital applied for another government program to cover it.

Plus I am able to claim the mileage for traveling plus some other related expenses on my taxes. The only out of pocket expense for my entire cancer treatment was the cost of my scrips for antinasua drugs which was about maybe 120.00 bucks for all of them together. I also go approved for another program that helps people with high expense drug costs and eliminated some of those costs as well.

Am I glad we pay a little more tax to ensure anyone who needs treatment can get it. You bet your behind. I couldn't imagine having to be diagnosed with cancer and then have to shop around for a doctor. And generally people who want for CT's and MRI's and the such are not emergent CT's my oncologists orders a test I'm in within a week.

Anyways that's my rant, I get very irritated at remarks like those because I think anyone regardless of whether its a broken arm or a serious issue should be able to receive health care and not worry about if their insurance company will cover it and shop around for a doctor.

Could things be better of course they could be, and unfortunately its things like this tragic event that make improvements possible. All the best to her family.
