Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Richardson's Family Pulls The Plug

Liz Smith says Natasha Richardson was removed from life support this afternoon around 1:30 pm ET. Two days ago she was alive, healthy, fit and apparently happy. That's how fast it can happen. Nothing to be said about it.


Anonymous said...

That's so terrible. Wear your god damned helmets people. I kept hoping the reports were inaccurate or blown out of proportion.

Anonymous said...

I was just looking at pictures of her and liam taken a couple months ago, they were gazing at each other so obviously still inlove. Celeb news doesn't usually make me teary, this one does. Such a unnecessary & undeserving death. What else is there to say. Too sad too sad.

Anonymous said...

very very just an hour that happened...even if she had sought help immediately it would probably be the same outcome...

such a lovely woman...

horrible tragedy...

Megan said...

um, helmets? really? that's your take away message?

Anonymous said...

No you idiot.

cupcake said...

I hope she did not feel any pain

Anonymous said...

Helmets DO save lives, theres talk now of making helmets mandatory on Canadian ski slopes, i've damned near killed myself skiing and i think it's a great idea.

Can't help but feel so sad for all of her family. Shock and sadness don't come close to expressing it does it.

Anonymous said...

This is so tragic. Lovely woman in her prime. She'll be profoundly missed I'm sure. What a terribly sad loss for any family.

I don't really understand what happened except that it was very sudden. Her family must be in deep shock and having a very difficult time. I hope the press gives them a bit of space.

Anonymous said...

so damn unfair.

Anonymous said...

"Helmets" are NOT the answer. This was simply a tragic ACCIDENT. If it had happened in a car, on a surfboard or waterskiing there wouldn't be a public outcry for "helmets"... because that's as ridiculous as it is for snow skiing.

I've been an avid snow skier for over 20 years, have never and never *will* wear a helmet-- nor have I ever seen another adult wearing one. The number of cranial injuries each year attributed to a fall while snow skiing is relatively low-- compared with other high-risk sports.

The fact is, when your numbers up it's UP. No helmet is going to prevent the Grim Reaper from calling your name.

Anonymous said...

A. There is no grim reaper. Do you believe in the tooth fairy too?
B. Obviously helmets are the answer since wearing one would most likely have prevented this tragedy.

Where does your absurd anger come from? No one cares if you ski or for how long.

Anonymous said...

This is just too sad for words. Her poor family...what a senseless waste. It is simply heartbreaking.

May she rest in peace and may her spirit soar for eternity...

RIP Natasha.

Anonymous said...

It's true 10:11 that when your time is up it's up, and the reason we should all live in the moment and try to live at peace with those around us in as much is possible.

But i have to disagree, helmets do save lives. Not the life of every wearer granted, but head injuries are nothing to take lightly, even what seems like the smallest of accidents can have lifelong consequences & even tragic endings as in Richardson's case.

My thoughts & prayers go out to her children & husband during this very difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Out of respect for the family, could we possibly change the headline of this post to something a little less harsh? "Family takes Natasha off life support" perhaps?

Anonymous said...

God bless her and her family.
Years ago, someone I worked with suddenly had a terrible headache and then seized (at the age of 43). It was all over. She lingered in the hospital for a few days, but no change, no matter what they did.
I, too, think that when it's your time, it's your time.
My son doesn't know who this actress is, but he does know of her husband because of star wars fame. I told him about Natasha, and took the opportunity to tell him that this is how it can be, and even though he may not see eye-to-eye with us (since he is a teenager), or grandma, or anyone else, be kind, and take time to value time with others, because it is almost always too short.
God bless them and grant them peace, she must have gone on to a better place very quickly. It sounds as if she was gone before they transported her. I wish her family only the good memories.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

COMPLETELY agreeing with 10:51 here.
It's insensitive and disrespectful.
Crabbie you suck.

Anonymous said...

As tragic as this is, it's better to be unexpectedly taken from your loved ones than to have them wish your suffering would finally end.

Anonymous said...

11:23 What the fuck is a helmut? I've heard of a helmet, you know, those things that save lives? Please get a good grasp on grammar and spelling before you call others dumb asses, as you so eloquently put it.

Anonymous said...

A Helmut is a German guy.

Leslie said...

"pulls the plug" very nice you butch.

Anonymous said...

Sonny Bono, Michael Kennedy; apparently helmets would have saved their lives as well. But they were "expert" skiiers. She was on a bunny slope, who woulda thought? I love this womans movies, mostly silly, light fare. Just my cup o' tea! I love her husbands work as well. Her mother, her family! This was some woman! Such a horrible & suddenly shocking accident. I also agree that the headline here was pretty unkind. I didn't know Crabbie posted this...figures! Ass! I cannot her mother losing her at this time in her own life. Gawd, how sad. This whole thing is most tragic. I was so hoping all day for different outcome. At least she probably didn't know any pain. This happened to a friend of mine( brain anuerysm). Her family donated her organs because she was also young, in her 40's. If someone else could be helped from this, I think her family would do it.

Anonymous said...

I think I would wear a helmet if I skied anymore. I don't care if people think I look like a dork when it comes to things like preventing broken bones and head injuries.

This whole story is sad from beginning to end.

Anonymous said...

She died. RIP.

Anonymous said... the link with this post & DD or Crabbie, is just quoting what TMZ has posted. The Plug Has Been Pulled. It is insensitive, but it's just being quoted as shown. Sorry DD or Crabbie! Still the saddest thing since Bernie Mac died, also very young.

Anonymous said...

if tmz said "pulls the plug" as their title, then i have a problem with tmz as well. michael k. of dlisted and perez hilton both titled their posted appropriately with "R.I.P." and their coverage was far less sterile.

Leslie said...

tmz is crap and so is this shit blog. can't believe this writer has kids and is so insensitive.

fucking loser.

Anonymous said...

Crabbie has kids?

Crabbie, you got something you wanna tell us? :)

Anonymous said...

Helmets add an obvious extra layer of protection against lacerations and skin injuries. But they cannot de-celerate the brain and stop it from hitting the skull in a sudden fall. Bikers make a good argument, Hockey players fall, sakteboarders, etc.

Crabbie can't help himself, remember the insensitive "de-cerebrated" comment regarding Joe Graziano?. Put lipstick on that a-hole and he is still an a-hole. (And probably wears lipstick anyway)

Anonymous said...


you have slept through the last 6 month? Remember Althaus?
Ministerpräsident of Sachsen-Anhalt. He had a ski accident with a mother of two. He was wearing a helmet, she didn't. She was killed, he survived with some brain injuries. If both would have worn helmets, both would be alive today and no brain injuries would have happened.

You sir, are a idiot.

Anonymous said...

It should be mandatory that everyone wear helmets at all times and we should outlaw brain injuries. And skiing. Clearly, the answer here is more legislation. Call your law-makers people.

Anonymous said...

My friends mom says this all the time and now I understand it "God takes the flowers and leaves the weeds."

Rest in peace Natasha

Anonymous said...

by all accounts a well-loved good woman. sad.
Crab, as usual, is insensitive.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to her poor family.

But, just to clarify, more & more people are wearing helmets while skiing. I think it is a great thing to do though I don't think it would have helped much in this unfortunate incident.

Anonymous said...

was very shocking to hear. What really got me was how she was fine right after, and then obviously swelling of the brain occurred, and although very sad for the family, the happiness they had to only a few hours later turn so terribly to saddness must have been so tragic for them.

So very sad. Like DD said - you just never know when your time will be.


Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with her husband and children. It's very, very sad. Especially because epidural hematomas are treatable.

anon 10:11-I'll bet you don't believe wearing a seatbelt is warranted either, right genius?