Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rihanna/Brown duet

Chris Brown and Rihanna are recording a duet together..yeah, I sweet. The song was originally written for her, but, now it's a couples project. While Brown is anxious to be photographed with her, Rihanna is still avoiding that. Everything these two do right now is being managed by their handlers. There's a shitload of money at stake. I'd love to be a fly on their wall.


Anonymous said...

Too bad and too sad. Maybe next time he beats her ass he won't stop at the point he did. This guy should get ass kicked by Rhianna's Dad. I know that if any man beat up my little girl there would be trouble.

Anonymous said...

Once is enough. She must not be very bright, although talented, not to realize that once an abuser, always an abuser. Plus he apparently comes from a family where his dad beat his mother.

Yeah, Rhianna's dad is falling down on the job.

Anonymous said...

They are so sweet! I'm so glad they found each other and realize that their love is stronger than his fist smashing against her skull.

Anonymous said...

When Bruce beats you, the fulfillment must be awesome

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wont watch anything that has CB & since R has taken him back and retardedly working on a duet of love with the jerk, i wont watch anything that has her in it either.

Do you realize how many young men (and women) look up to these two? And how now it's "OK" to beat someone if your pissed off at a text message 'cause your g/f finds out your cheating...again. A few well placed i'm sorrys, i'm learning, i'm growing and i love you's and all is forgiven. And it's not, not even close. But thats what these two bozo's are representing.

When she's beaten within an inch of her life and crawling out the door to get help i hope she realizes people won't be so ready to jump on the save her, protect her bandwagon, because they know she'll run right back to the jerk soon as the bruises start to heal and the bloods washed out of the cloths.

Anonymous said...

Next time she will be dead. I was sickened that Nickelodeon wouldn't take his nomination for a Kids Choice Awards off the ballot. At least he took his name off but probably not for the right reasons.

Anonymous said...

just thinking about him makes me ill.