Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rod Stewart has two big problems

A personal trainer took Sean Stewart to court for an unpaid bill. It was reality TV court and Sean's defense for not paying his bill was "My dad’s very cheap." The stunned judge asked: "Your dad has a lot of money, why is he cheap?"
Sean, 28, replied: "I don’t know."
Why did the little fucker even bring up his dad in court? Why did the retarded judge even allow it, let alone ask that question? Sean and his worthless sister, Kim are two of a kind. I'm sure Dad gets tired of paying their bills when all they do is party. Half naked/wasted on a beach is not an occupation.
I should have said three problems, because Rod has another grown daughter that lives with him. He says all she does with her life is drive around in an expensive SUV all day. Rod seems puzzled about his children's lack of ambition.


Anonymous said...

The judge should have asked "Why is your father still paying your bills? You are an adult, get a goddam job & pay your own bills Mr. Stewart."...End of discussion! Be a grown-up, don't blame your father for your unpaid bills. Good for the trainer! I hope he got his cash. Damn. This guy is such a fucking loser. And PS...this could have just been some kind of twisted publicity for this ass-wipe. Not totally unheard of.


Dirty Disher said...

Yep. Good comment.

Anonymous said...

That guy's other chin needs a personal trainer! Wow!

Anonymous said...

It's Rod's fault for accomodating his kids to the point of stagnation. Everything has been free all their lives. I laugh when I hear Paris Hilton call herself " self made" millionaire. hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

But it's well-established that kids who don't get 'witnessed' and acknowledged by their parents have a MUCH harder time doing anything in their lives. They're not motivated to make their own lives worthwhile.
So when I see the lassitude some kids have, I make a reasonable guess as to how well their parents interacted with them..

And I think this problem might be much worse these days because both parents work and leave kids to electronic amusements.

DD, spending time with Lis is probably one of the best, lifelong gifts you could ever give her. You're a smart fucking cookie.

Dirty Disher said...

It's all I have to give her. If I'd been rich, I would have given my kids everything, just like Rod did and they'd be worthless too. Guess they lucked out..LOL!