I think there are a lot of bitches who wouldn't want you in their club, Mz. Kardashian. And you have nothing to be snobby about. Were they all out of shirts that said "My claim to fame is a fat ass"??? How about settling for "I'm with stupid" with an arrow pointing at your head?
Her dead Dad would be sooooo proud!
So many accomplishments in her young life.
Lardassian! I can't get those pictures out of my mind.
DD, give the girl some credit: At least half of her claim to fame is in the movies! Well, one movie. I think she may have gotten peed on in it.
Well at least they do try and work at other things, like the stores, unlike Lohan for example who now thinks she's supermodel material.
Lardassian!!! That's perfect! Only in America can your fat ass get pissed on in a sex tape and you're famous!!!
I remember her dad too - anon 12:17...
He never recovered from the part he played in OJ's non-guilty victory. and yes, he would be ashamed of his kids.
P-L-E-A-S-E D-I-E B-I-T-C-H.
Dingbats and Fluff-brains Unite!
Do you think there's a contest we just don't get between someone like this and Ice-T's wife?
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