Friday, March 13, 2009

Snotty Paltrow names drops and spells it wrong

As D-list pointed out, it's Seth ROGEN and SOFIA Coppola. In her haste to name drop her important "artistic" contact list, Paltrow got it wrong on the self serving GOOP. I have to look names up all the time, or I make up new names. But, Gwyneth knows it all. There's about 7 million articles on the net now about why everyone hates Gwyneth Paltrow. I know why I hate her, she's full of pretentious bullshit. You know how I spelled your name Gwyneth? I looked it up. I had too, because everyone calls you Fishsticks.


Anonymous said...

But she's only trying to help us!!!

Anonymous said...

She puts the hell in hellp.

Anonymous said...

How typical. She wonders why people make fun of her and are mean to her when she just wants to help. She's too insulated to imagine it could possibly be her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Geez, thanks Gwen!
I usually just go here.

Perhaps I have been missing out with imbd. Must check out Gwens great research. NOT!
Do the world a favor..stick to you Apple and Moses.

Devin said...

So very fucking clueless. This is so sad because she will never get that she is so despised for her pretentious attitude. Fuck people because they don't think what she's doing is relevant.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Both typos are fixed already. She must read this blog.

Anonymous said...

She might read it, but she'd never post.

Anonymous said...

I like Blythe Danner, the mother of another Gwen-"IT".

She must cringe when she reads about her daughter...

Insufferable and pretentious bore.

Can you imagine the hate and discontent that must be in the air when Gwen-IT and Madge-IT get together? GIT and MIT, sounds about right!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Of course we're all just mean and haters to point out how Gwynnie could have just freaking googled to get the correct spelling of the names!

ccwebb said...

GOOP = Get Out (and) Over (yourself) Princess. Also about as appetizing as eating Goop the hand cleaner.