Monday, March 30, 2009

Suri and Apple hide from the paps

California needs some laws about how close paps can get to minor children...but, it won't help when their parents are attention whores who use them as bait.


crabbie said...

Nice gut on Paltrow.

GG said...

Poor babies. Suri always looks so terrified. No matter WHAT, there's nothing i wouldn't do to make my child happy & comfortable. If that meant getting a f#*ing helicopter to pick me up from my chimney, bring it on.
Everyone argues " well what are they supposed to do, stay in the house everyday? they have to go out!"
Sure. But 1) You never see them telling the vultures" look, you're distressing my kid, back up"
2) they're always beaming from ear to ear while she's crouched in the fetal position clutching her little hands over her head/ears/eyes. possibly they are trying to show her it's nothing to fear, but i don't see that working.
3) other celebs manage to keep their babies safe & shielded just fine.

I feel for Suri.
She's gonna pull a Rumer Willis. Come off all goofy, shy & akward at first , then appear like a potato headed harlot-hoochie the next minute.
or start flipping off the paps & passing out drunk in a car a-la Lindsay, in the fetal position, hands over her head.
They are efing her up, self centered asses.

Anonymous said...

I really agree with this. There should be some distance that "fans" and paps have to keep from celebs with kids in tow. It obviously freaks the kids out and I can't blame them for wanting to, you know, take their kids once in a while like the rest of us do. I know Suri seems to be out on the town daily, but still they need to back the hell up and I wish there was some kind of legislation that would mandate that and enforce it.

Anonymous said...

Yet you still publish the photos. Talk about a fucking double standard. DD you are a hypocrite. If you were so against what the paps do you wouldn't continue to help them by publishing the photos. Bitch!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why people care to see Suri or Apple. What's the big deal? I'd be satisfied with never or once a year. I love kids, but there are lots of great kids in everyday life and there's no way those ones are better or special - well except to half-wits. Did I answer my own question?

Anonymous said...

Ole Tommyboy has been quoted often of how he likes to have Suri front and center for the paps. Katie is just doing as she is told.

Anonymous said...

I dont think that all celebs use their kids, just most of them. It really is a damn shame that they cant even take their kids to the damn store without the asshole paps, getting up in their faces with the cameras, I'd be terrified if I was these little kids, it has to be traumatizing.

Anonymous said...

You do realize the concept of zoom lens?

Anonymous said...

Having laws would be a good thing, then again it's a catch 22, because those wanting to be left alone, or at least at a distance, would be hauling their kids everywhere like legal sheilds.

Anonymous said...

Quick! Kirsten Dunst stole Gwyneth's kid!

MaryL said...

Suri also has her hands over her ears, so the paps must be yelling at both of them. Shit. Can't blame the kid.

Anonymous said...

...and her eyes are shut tight. Gee-zuss. Poor kid.

Anonymous said...

Suri was born Tom Cruises daughter, she didn't have a chance to begin with. Apples not much better off. How often do you see Will Smiths,Catherine Zeta Jones,Jennifer Lopez of Julia Roberts kids being attacked by the pap like that? Not a whole helluva lot.It's possible to keep them out of the pap's line of sight more than I think some celebrities say it is. I agree they should be able to take their kids where they want without cameras blinding their kids, but they chose their line of work. What did they expect?

Anonymous said...

Aww, I feel bad for Suri, she's so innocent, she doesnt deserve to be scared to death like that, poor kid :(