Monday, March 16, 2009

Suri and Katie do lunch

Suri's overjoyed to have the paps in her face again. The hair extensions are out, pizza is in. I guess you can't have pizza delivered in Beverly Hills. That would defeat the purpose of this outing. I just bought a pack of pink plastic headbands, do you think Katie'd like to borrow a couple?


Anonymous said...

She should of left the extensions in..she looked soooo much better.

Anonymous said...

Suri always looks like a nasty child.

Major Majormajor said...

I know this is something completely off topic, but whatever happened to Chris Klein? Has he mysteriously disappeared or something?
Anyways, I found a picture of him with bangs.

Anonymous said...

I dont think Suri looks nasty...i think she looks tired and fed up.

Dirty Disher said...

I couldn't get that link to work, bedbugs. Do you think Suri looks like Chris?

Dirty Disher said...

And I don't think little Suri is any nastier than any other kid, I just think she's fed up with her lifestyle and her parents don't protect her from it. It seems to me like they use her.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Suri looks just tired of being dragged around and photographed. No telling what they feed this little girl sino-juice and other weird stuff. She is a really cute kid, but I fear she is a monster in the making.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, I was a teenager before I was allowed to wear black. DD, is black age appropriate these days for almost 3 yrs old girls? Or am I old fashioned?

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah, I think so. Lis and her school friends wear it. She looks really cute in black leggings and a black T with glittery accessories. But, what do I know? I let her wear mismatched pajamas and fairy wings all day, if she wants.

Anonymous said...

Looks like chris, youve got to be kidding? How can you not see cruise all over suri's face?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Suri seem to be clutching a couple of pens here? Maybe those are her favorites. I hope so because that's just so little girl like (and boy). Hate that hair in her face. Hairband, barrette, cutting some bangs, anything would look better than this.

Anonymous said...

Why would they call for pizza? That would defeat the purpose! Katie had to be seen EATING said pizza.

Afterall, this "Pizza with Paparazzi" lunch was clearly ordered by TommyGirl to refute all the "Katie's Krazy Scientology Diet" rumors/stories. It's sooo transparent.

Dirty Disher said...

Suri is always clutching something, pens, pencils, straws, candy wrappers. Lis does that too. I can relate. These little items become very important for a day. Sometimes I think it's Lissa's way of controling something in her chaotic life. I always wait for her to get them and arrange them before we can go anywhere.

Anonymous said...

RE: Suri's black outfit- I think it looks like a leotard. Maybe she's taking toddler ballet classes? ;-)

Dirty Disher said...

I thought of that too, but, Lis has one of those with the dance shoes. She just wears it at home. Who knows with kids?

Anonymous said...

That kid looks miserable and bored. Her parents should provide her some much needed privacy.

Anonymous said...

maybe the kid fights if you fix her hair. my daughter used to rip the crap out of her hair as soon as i would turn my back.

Anonymous said...

...seems to me the child is devoid of playtime with other kids. She is Literally dragged about with Mom or another adult. She needs to play dolls, drink juice at little tables with other kids, scream & run around outside, have tea-parties with other little girls. Why or why isn't she provided with that? (wasn't there something about Katie wanting Suri and Shi to get together? would be nixed by AJ anyway) She is being carefully raised to eventually pay a psychoanalyst a fortune. And I bet $$$$ she will turn her back on the Cult.

my9cats said...

Doesn't Suri know how to walk?
And when is she giving up the bottle?

Anonymous said...

Katie looks like Jackie O....Suri is precious...

Anonymous said...

Adorable mom baby duo. Many sites said they came from a dance school and off to the pizza restaurant:)

Major Majormajor said...

See if this one works. I guess the old click and drag didn't work on that one.

Anonymous said...

Get off her shit, she is BY FAR, the cutest celebrity kid out there.

Anonymous said...

i think that staring through the hair look is kinda porno. its a pity they've decided on that look for her. where do the people responsible for this sultry staring through the bangs look get off? she's underage. they will have her posing with her fingers pointing towards her crutch next. and before you know it she will be brittney..... or something.

Anonymous said...

...porno? wtf are you talking about? Unless, of course, you look from the porn-perspective when viewing pics of kids.

Anonymous said...

Looks like we have a chester amongst the crowd here.