Monday, March 23, 2009

Thank Gowd, Oprah's dog will live!!!!

Sadie will pull through, but, her brother Ivan died from the Parvo virus. The end. This stupid story topped Natsha Richardson's death in the idiotic entertainment news on TV. Why does Oprah always have to adopt a litter? And why are they always kicking the bucket? And why do they always have to be pedigreed dogs? Isn't having one or two canine buddies enough for her? How often is she home, really? She has a TV show, a magazine and a friggin' network to run. Has Oprah never heard of a shelter? I think she's ridiculous and I don't know why people worship her. Fuck her and her mutts. And her wigs too. We have WAY better dog owners on here, if you ask me.


Anonymous said...

I truly think Oprah is evil. I used to love her, but as she got more and more powerful, I started to be creeped out by her. That dog (no pun intended) and pony show the night of the election when she got right up in the camera's face and shed those fake tears of joy was truly pathetic. Like she couldn't have gotten backstage? She's freaking Oprah, and his biggest supporter, I'm sure someone would have let her back there. But no, she had to go out into the crowd and make a big show of it.

Dirty Disher said...

Yep. I know. She makes me vomit.

Anonymous said...

Not a oprah fan at all, she gets on my nerves with all her holier then thou speeches.

All those lab dogs she has are kept on at her farm (where nothing is farmed) and other people take care of them, she visits, only the cocker spainels lived with her.

Anonymous said...

I despise her.

Anonymous said...

Me sad.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely can't stand the evil woman. She could afford to save millions of dogs if she wanted to but she has to make out she is such a saint for adopting a couple that she doesn't even look after.

Anonymous said...

She's not perfect but I still like her.

Crabbie, just cry it out. (gives shoulder pat)

Anonymous said...

I think these dogs are killing themselves.

Anonymous said...

This woman could easily have a dedicated vet on her payroll, but with all the money she has, her dogs still get parvo? Why? Did she not vaccinate them? Were they taken out in public before their series of immunizations were complete? This so saddens me.