Sunday, March 22, 2009

This Is Why I Don't Like Cripples

Art Garfunkel is taking heat after reportedly stopping one of his concerts to personally berate a disabled fan. Radaronline says Garfunkel was in the middle of reading a poem when an audience-member in a wheelchair did something that irritated the one-time semi-relevant folk singer, prompting him to snap, "I try to be kind to the handicapped, but I’m trying to put on a show here." And then the wheelchair-bound fan was removed from the premises. And that my friends is how you handle unruly cripples. Art Garfunkel, you are the MAN!


Anonymous said...

Why in the world did you invite him to post here DD??


Anonymous said...

crabass rides again

Anonymous said...

Me thinks Crabbie likes to provoke, and it works every time you morons.

Anonymous said...

Its called sarcasm. Look it up.

Anonymous said...

Crabbie is a blight on humanity. I know for a fact he was once thrown in jail for raping little boys.

Unknown said...

Awesome. That's the REAL Crabbie.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Crabbie.

Anonymous said...

Good for him. Just because you're handicapped doesn't mean you get a pass on being a dick.

Anonymous said...

Seriously. The clip doesn't say what the guy did, what if he was being a real asshole and disrupting the show? If he was, then fuck that cripple.

Anonymous said...

The day you swallow an AIDS cocktail can't come soon enough crabbie.

Anonymous said...

if you hate crabbie so fucking much, stop reading here. and if you hate gays so fucking much, stop putting dicks in your mouth. Shut the fuck up! -G

Anonymous said...

crabbie, you're the best!

Anonymous said...

agreeing with eliza,
dd why in the world are you letting him post this rot? it's not journalism, it's not blogging, it's utter ROT.

Anonymous said...

Yes, welcome back, Crabbie. lol

Anonymous said...

If some asshole is disrupting a show that others paid their hard-earned dollars to listen to, then fuck him if he's a crip. Everyone is so fucking PC these days, I swear, it is repulsive.

Anonymous said...

Crabbie you rock! Been a long time DD fan but I for one think he adds to the board. You haters need to grow up. Nobody forces you to read them. Save your hate for your next Gay bashing club.

Anonymous said...

Why do commenters try to stifle other commenters, while defending Crabbie's right to post whatever he wants?

If you don't like the commenters who dislike Crabbie, then follow your own advice and quit reading their posts.

See? It's that easy.

Anonymous said...

My Dad had a stroke right in front of me when I was 18. He complained of a headache and collapsed.

I picked-him-up and carried him to the car and went to the hospital. He was in a coma for weeks and finally emerged, a shell of what he once was.

I see him now in his wheelchair and watch the unbelievable care my Mother takes when making sure he is comfortable. This has been going on for more than twelve years. She has never left his side.

It taught me sensitivity for others and motivated me to be active in animal rescue programs (they are helpless as well).

Sarcasm is one thing; mocking a wheelchair bound person is another.

Anonymous said...

The Crip should have been more sensitive to the guy on stage reading a poem. Maybe if GIMPY would have kept his mouth shut and give the performer some respect none of this would have happened.

BTW the story mentions how he was tossed out of the club for the disturbance. You don't get tossed out of clubs for scratching your wooden leg or clearing your throat. The guy was being a douce and deserved what he got. Who gives a crap if he's in a wheel chair or on rollerskates?

Anonymous said...

i don't like crabbie's comments and it doesn't have anything to do with his sexual orientation. it has to do with the cruelty and ignorance behind the comments.

Dirty Disher said...

A crippled asshole is still an asshole.

Anonymous said...

no dd, the title isn't "this is why i don't like assholes" it's "this is why i don't like cripples"

don't try to cop out of this one too, defending crabbie to the end. because you're probably the same person.

Anonymous said...

long live crabbie! -G

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah, we are the same person. On alternate days, I grow a dick and watch football, scratch my nuts and dream of Anne Hathaways boobs. Ukkk.

Anonymous said...

You have the right to pass on him comments, Eliza.

Anonymous said...

Huh. I tried, really hard, to get all worked up about this post, and to righteously condemn Crabbie to a hideous painful death because he's like, all mean and stuff.

It didn't work.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL. Yep.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks stirring up a shitstorm is "cool" or "funny" when there are literally millions of people impacted in one way or another by physical disabilities deserves a similar fate-- and then some.

I take a great deal of solace in the fact that some day both DD & Crabbie will be permanently physically disabled.

Can't happen soon enough.

Anonymous said...

i love you 2:20

Anonymous said...

I don't get what all the hoopla is over this. Physically challenged people are always demanding to be treated "like everyone else", so why should this situation be any different then? Wheelchair bound or not, if you're misbehaving or being rude, then expect to get your ass kicked just like the next guy would.

Anonymous said...

Wow I was fixing to ask DD what was up with the hate????????? Then I see it is the crab. Seriously, there is funny, there is sarcasm but the underlying message with that person is HATE. He/she uses it to try to be funny. It really isn't.

Anonymous said...

No you don't get a pass for being crippled but lumping them all in a category "why I hate cripples?" is just stupid.

Anonymous said...

You've really hurt my feelings, DD. I, myself, am a "cripple". Thank you for ruining my day.


Anonymous said...

2:20 I smile knowing it will happen to you instead. DD and Crabbie will live long happy lives. You will be a crip. Oh sorry already there.

1:41 not trying to stifle just laughing at you. Yes really you.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, poor cripples. Because something happened to them (like falling down a ladder they forgot to secure, dumb driving, volunteering for military service) they can act like assholes?

I wish someone would bitchslap the big part of the cripples population who think they are 'special' - can act like assholes and not get any trouble for at.

An asshole is an asshole. For some strange reasons asshole density among cripples is very high.