Thursday, March 12, 2009

Trip to the Vet Part 1

YOU tell me what's wrong with this episode. There's so many things wrong, I can't even list them...besides the fact that Kate is never home. Mom of the year..never home.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand it. They look SO miserable all the time. Why did they do this to themselves?

But they did get a cool house out of it.

Last comment - can that BITCH stop playing with her earring?

Anonymous said...

I know what you're saying about the earring. I just want to slap that left hand.
Interesting how little time she was there. Not that I want to see more of her, though.
What keeps running through my head is that these people need to find jobs. I mean real jobs, not pimp your kid and tell a (fake)sob story jobs. They look so unhappy around these kids and do such a sloppy, mean-spirited job of how they present themselves on this show, that they shouldn't be allowed to continue.
The kids are adorable, and so are the puppies. It saddens me that I don't see either one of the parents smile at them, or engage the kids in any way. You don't have to be rich to be a good parent, you just have to love your kids, and try to give them the best life you are able. It's really not that hard.
(BTW I don't watch the show, on principle, but did watch the youtube segments here.)

Anonymous said...

You know, you are right. I can't remember a time when those kids were hugged by their parents.

Anonymous said...

Her facial expressions, her words and her actions (Kate's) make it seem as though she hates Jon, each of the kids, the crew that is forced to be there (and can you imagine what that's like?), the dogs and all the other extraneous (because I think that's how she sees all other people in the world) persons in her sight.

What is the point of living like this, Katie Irene? Give yourself a break and leave.

Anonymous said...

Wow, where is the ASPCA? Bad enough they let that dog eat the toys because they can't be bothered to watch them and crate them when they are not available but then to totally disregard the vets instructions! Jon needs to grow the fuck up and stop with the snowboarding and backwards cap wearing stuck in my teens behavior. Great role model for the kids there. Those two are the perfect example of how not to parent or be dog owners.

Anonymous said...

I hate how one of the kids was trying to explain how they fell asleep and Jon just ignores them. My 2 and 3 year olds are always explaining things to me. I usually stop what I am doing and listen. Jon talks to them like they're stupid and incapable of comprehending any thing he mumbles to them.

Anonymous said...

is she trying to look like victoria beckam? and why doesn't she show any love at all towards her kids. no love, no friendly banter, no hugs, she is just really cold towards them, throws food and orders at them and thats all. she would be better off sending them to pre-school where they might get a smile and a cuddle now and again. and those dogs are TOO big for those little kids. they really are.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Jon sound happier picking up dog poop than talking to/around his wife or kids :P Another sad commentary on Gosselin life

Travis Noodle said...

Simply unbearable. Five minutes was all I could handle.

Their body language toward each other is better but not how married/loving people sit in a love seat together.

Kate is simply another person. It's too easy to call her a mean bitch. It's more complicated and I don't have the words to describe it. All I know is that her facial expressions and her body language tell me that she is not "plugged" into her family. She has another life in L.A.

Anonymous said...

i just can't get over the lack of love shown towards the children. they should be charged with child abuse because they are pimping their kids for money and the kids aren't getting love. they may as well be living in an orphanage really. i can see now why they piss dd off so much. what sort of society offers its members so much wealth and adulation for pimping their own children?

Anonymous said...

What the fuck?? Why would anyone EVER want to waste one minute of their precious life watching this inane horseshit??? There is nothing even remotely interesting about these people and their whiny offspring. Watching my hair grow is more exciting.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to keep a puppy that has just had surgery quiet for a few days, just use the kennell. It's cruel to run the risk of those stitches opening up and getting all sorts of bacteria inside. He really either doesn't have a clue, or doesn't care, or can't be bothered to listen to the vet. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

Mama_L I have 2 small kids too but I am not even going to pretend it's the same to listen to 8 kids vs. 2. I am sure you just unknowingly tune them out. The child didn't sound like it wanted a response, just babbling as they are want to do.