Monday, March 16, 2009

Twin boys!

Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller had twin boys yesterday. They named the tots Bob and Max. Nice simple names, why don't I think they'll have a nice simple life? I'm sure they're cute and adorable..congrats.


Anonymous said...

I love his sitcom 'two and a half men' is sooo funny. Altho sometimes i think Alan steals the show!

Anonymous said...

Anything to do with Sheen gives me the creeps....ick.

Dirty Disher said...

That show is sometimes really funny, but, when they started doing all the poop and fart jokes, I tuned out.

Anonymous said...

that`s all that whoremonger needs.... 2 boys to bring up just like dad. shudder.

Anonymous said...

Sheen is creepy. So how many kids has he fathered at this point? I know he has a daughter who is grown up or nearly there (heavy girl, dark in coloring). How old is old Charlie getting to be?

Anonymous said...

Well i'm impressed they gave the kids normal names.

I like the show it's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

"Nice, normal life?" If someone would shoot Charlie Sheen in the face... MAYBE they'd have a chance.

Anonymous said...

...what's with the proliferation of twins? Is in vitro fertilization the newest HW fad? Max. that's a new fad name, too.

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone name their son Max? Its such an overused pet name as it is.