Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Vanessa is at Natasha's bedside

Natasha Richardson has been moved to Lenox Hill hospital in NYC and her mother, legend Vanessa Redgrave is there, along with Natasha's husband, Liam Neeson, and other family members. He condition is still critical and she was said to be unresponsive in the ambulance. I was hoping to hear better news today, but, we'll keep watching. No word from her reps yet. Get well, Natasha.


Anonymous said...

I keep hoping the reports from a a "family friend" that she is brain dead are not true. This is just so sad. I certainly hope she recovers.

Anonymous said...

So so sad! What a freak accident! You just never know what can happen...even with the slightest falls that you think nothing of at first. She is in my prayers.

Dirty Disher said...

She may be in a medically induced coma to minimize damage while moving her. I don't know, but, neither do the reporters.

Anonymous said...

Head without helmet hitting ice. Very sad. It doesn't matter if you are on the slopes or on the driveway, I guess. I'm praying for her.

Anonymous said...

I loathe TMZ, but I go there occasionally, anyway.
The report there was really pretty unconscionable, if true. A complete HIPPA violation.
Pupils fixed and dilated, etc. Also a report that the medical crew that transported on the plane reported her as brain dead to the ambulance crew on the ground.
This is so sad.
I'm hoping and praying that they've got it all wrong.

Anonymous said...

There is no way she would be moved if she had swelling on the brain and had a hope of recovery, the jostling would do more damage or even kill her, to say nothing for inability to treat any changes while in route.

So she's one of two things, brain dead and at the familys request was moved closer to home so that they have a chance for some kind of closure or she's doing much better than is being reported. But if that were the case, i don't think family would be flying in from around the world if she was essentially ok and recovering well.

It's all so deeply sad. Of all the worthless skanks in hollywood who daily jeopardize themselves and those around them for this gentle kind witty woman's life to have been cut down like this is simply tragic.

Anonymous said...

So young and talented. It must have been a precisely unfortunate place in the head to get hit. So much damage with very little impact.

Anonymous said...

1:15 wrote: "It's all so deeply sad. Of all the worthless skanks in hollywood who daily jeopardize themselves and those around them for this gentle kind witty woman's life to have been cut down like this is simply tragic."

Well put. I completely agree.

Anonymous said...

Well, in all fairness, she was on holiday with her boys while visiting Liam on the location of his film. So, she wasn't exactly driving drunk, OD'g or making a spectacle of herself in any way. Class act all the way. I Love this woman & her wonderful husband. I hope she pulls thru & totally recovers. But she is in no way any comparison to the skanks you speak of. No way. I know it was a dis to them, but she's not even on the same planet with them. leave them out of this tragedy.

Anonymous said...

An EMT here locally was called out on a winter day last winter for an emergency. He ran out of his apartment & promptly fell on the ice & hit his head & died instantly. A good guy trying to rush to aid someone else. It happens more often then we know. It's instant & too sudden to comprehend. We can't filter news like that easily, the family may well need to get her close to home for her last few hours with them. It would make sense. Ice is a hateful bitch, whether walking, driving or skiiing, it doesn't care. It kills.

Anonymous said...

4:08 i don't think she was even remotely being compaired to the skank types, she was being applauded for being well above their choosen crap actions & lives.

It's about life being unfair, that a lovely lady as herself should suffer like this when the jackasses who value their lives so little continue to get off scot free.

Anonymous said...

Is this the 1st mention of this woman on this blog? Ever? That says alot, I mean that in the nicest way. Nothing bad/negative to say about her as far as I have ever known.

Anonymous said...

4:08, you need to pull the stick out of your ass.

Anonymous said...

My cousin was seriously head damaged after an almost fatal motorcycle accident many years ago. His brain had swollen so much and even his face and head were so swelled up it didn't even look like a human head. He was in an induced coma for just over 2 weeks, when suddenly he started showing signs of life. Within days it was as though nothing had happened to him. He's still the same weed tokin', booze swillin' hog rider he's always been. So I'm still holding out hope for Natasha Richardson. Miracles do happen. My cousin should have died.