Saturday, March 14, 2009

Warrent issued on Lindsay Lohan

A warrent has been issued on The Blow, the police want her to turn herself in peacefully. WTF, is there going to be a shoot out? TMZ thinks it's a probation violation, she probably failed a drug test. So, they can't find her? Here's a hint..BAR. If you see Lindsay Lohan turn her in to the Beverly Hills Police Department. Just her a drink.


Anonymous said...

Someone's missing some clothes, I imagine.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be kind of hilarious if there were a shoot-out to bring her in? Maybe not.

Anonymous said...

uhh.. you just made some hilarious comment about how humanity and the epidemic of the word "loose" being used instead of "lose" but you spelled warrant with an "e".. so anyway... speaking of morons...

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:43

Be careful who you're calling "moron". Crabby was complaining about loose versus lose, NOT Dishy. Pay attention before you post, especially if you're going to be calling someone a moron...otherwise, you'll end up looking like the moron.

Anonymous said...

Look at that face Sam is making, its like she's trying to remove Lindsays pubes that got caught in her teeth earlier that day.