Saturday, March 14, 2009


Check out OctoMom, looking all skinny. Geez, having 8 at once didn't even phase her, she must be an alien or a farm animal in disguise. Someone TP'd her new house. Yeah, way to stop the madness there, ShortBus. Some of the babies are ready to come home, but, the hospital still won't release them. She has to make some changes in her home..I don't know wtf all that is about. How the hell is Nadya supposed to pimp those kids if they won't release them? Morons.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Hard to imagine that anything could camouflage the goodyear blimp, isn't it? My guess is that (just like me) she has one of those books on artistic napkin folding, and managed to tuck it all way in that manner, or maybe it's 100 pair of spanx, or maybe she had a minute black hole installed in her navel to suck everything in.

Dirty Disher said...

I thought of folding too, I took an orgami class in

Anonymous said...

She was only pregnant, what, 20 out of the 40 weeks it usually takes a normal woman to cook a baby? Having multiples is hard on the body, but so is any pregnancy. And she did it in half the time.

Anonymous said...

I heard on that show the doctors, that the den was still being set up with equipment etc for the various babies needs, and they would be discharging them 2 at a time so there was time for getting settled and adjusting before 2 more came on the scene with the increased kaos at home with all the nurses and nannys etc.

Anonymous said...

the kids are in danger on several different levels. This whole thing is monstrous. Starting with the doc who allowed this to begin with.

Anonymous said...

i saw a photo of her with her 6 first kids and the two oldest looked very upset and she was quoted as saying that the oldest kids were going through anger over the whole thing. i felt so sorry for those kids. they have lost their mother over this, she is going to be too busy pimping them all, surrounding herself with paps, having cosmetic surgery and doing the talk show rounds now. life will never be the same for those poor kids. its child abuse.

Anonymous said...

Nutso nutso in super steel-reinforced spanx supremo. Watch those lips.

Anonymous said...

spandx girdles spanks or whatever else she might be wearing can only do so much, they cant make you look like you took off 65 pounds or more, so i say shes doing darn good at getting back into prebaby shape.