Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Beyonce and Jay-Z in NYC

Bouncie actually looking very cute. Did she finally hire a stylist and buy the right size???? She looks 10 years younger when she's not crammed into a sausage casing.


Anonymous said...

She looks super cute here and I've never noticed that she really is just a kid herself until I saw this picture. I don't know her "stylist" is, if she has one, but it must be an onstage person who lots older than she is.

Anonymous said...

She does look really young. Lucky!

My stylist dressed me today in big ol' shorts and a Snoopy t-shirt and ugly flip-flops (all flip-flops are ugly, FYI) and it only cost me $10,000!

Am I imagining things or is Jay-Z downright homely?

Anonymous said...

Still dont like her .. or her hideously fugly husband.

Disher said...

$10,000? You were overcharged for the Snoopy shirt. Heh.

Anonymous said...

Realllly cute, for a change. She needs to keep doing this and stop dressing like a fucking tranny all the damn time.