Sunday, April 19, 2009

Linda calls this a slumber party..

I call it the lap of luxury for Romeo, Roxy and Copper. Hey, your bedwarmers have eyes! Heh. When is the maid coming with their tea and crumpets?


Corina said...

aw they are so cute!!

Dirty Disher said...

You're cute too!

Anonymous said...

Sweet life! Those are the pets I'd wanna be.

Shelly said...

Wait a minute.. Is that 2 D's and a C? Yes species can exist together. I like to see everyone hang out together like this. Although the cat will always have an elitist attitude.

Eric in San Diego said...

Nice! Not a cat fancier myself, but love it when they decide to allow others to enter their space.

Hey Shelly! Is that dog SMOKIN' in the pic??

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know those pets! Those are my sister Linda's pets! And they really ARE the cutest. The cat, Copper, has got attitude to spare.
- Judi E

Shelly said...

The dog is a crazy little clown who is always doing funny shit. I was doing a craft project with my daughter, we were cutting up drinking straws, ya know where you tape the straw to the balloon on a string? Anyway he picked up a piece and ran with it. I snapped just in time!! He looks like a real tough guy in the picture, but it's really a kids craft project gone wrong!!

Anonymous said...

Shelly that is too funny. The white on his chest almost looks like smoke, so it does look as though he's smoking! ha!