My Mother, in her infinite wisdom, said she knows what's wrong with him. She said people who don't get enough sunshine are deficient in vitamin D and that can make you depressed. She read that in The National Enquirer. Then she smiled and bumbled off to go smell flowers. Uh, huu. My brother had a complete psychotic break down and Dr. Tuwella prescribed sunshine. I wanted to yell "WHAT FUCKING PLANET ARE YOU FROM? THE PLANET FUCKTARD?" But, I didn't. It's her birthday so I bought her lunch and a book on Homeopathic medicine. There's a chapter on seasonal disorders. It ought to keep her occupied all week.
You know, DD, I think your mother sounds charming. A little nutty, but in a good way.
My Mother died in October of 1993 on a day I refer to as "the moment my life got a whole lot easier." She was seriously nutty. She used to think the reason cars drove down the street was because they were trying to bother her.
Now when anyone asks about my mother, I show them a photo of Lady GaGa.
LOL @ Lady GaGa! My mother IS sweet. Unless you're her kid. Then it's bizarre. And I only talk about her on here because no one would believe me anyway.
And..I've been taking out overgrown Yucca plants all week. Have you ever removed one of those things??? The roots go to China and they poke you in the face. Two of them fill a wheelbarrow. She said "I only have one Yucca!" No, I told her, you have one NOW. You had 71. The burn pile is my therapy.
oh i dislike yucca plants!!!
happy birthday to your mom!
your brother sounds wild. i work with many people who think they are jesus....good times.
My brother is sweet, confused and over medicated. He's not violent and worries about his cat all day. It could be worse. He's doing better now.
I'm glad your brother is doing better. It sounds like that half way house could be a good thing for him. Me, I couldn't handle having your mom as a mom, she reminds me of my grandmother, lost somewhere in la la land.
Thanks for the Bobby update. Ever since you shared a little of his story awhile back, I can't help but think of him when I check out your blog and see photos of Lissa and your mom.. and I've been looking for word on how he was doing.
I hope it works out for him with the halfway house and all. If having his smokes and his kitty is the extent of his daily must-haves, surely he can't be that hard to place.. bless his heart.
Ooo! Have ya seen Dr. Hotpants at the hospital lately?
PS: Birthday salutations to your Mom. 80 is a helluva milestone.
It's not just the aging moms. My dad will be 76 this year and it sounds like he comes from the same planet as your mom does. Glad to hear your brother is now stabilized.
We all have family, right? There's no one that makes you as crazy as family.
Haven't seen Dr. Hotpants again..it's like one flew over the cookoo out there.
I just love when you talk about your family. It always makes me want to call my mom, but I never do. Glad to know your bro is doing better.
best post of the day
Never thought of Yanking Yucca as therapy. Good Idea! though a little painful. Thanks for entertaining us with your coping. Sunshine could be cheep treatment. I have family from that same damn planet. Can't pick'em! Mom has plenty flowers to smell. :)
watch Grey Gardens talk about getting old with your elderly mother.you dont know which one is the crazier one . eeeeeeee
Pat... hello my friend.... no matter how long I'm off the net, when I come back I always come to read DD.
I love the stories about your mom, always have..... glad to hear your bro is doing ok.
How is my little pumpkin Lissa???? Doing great I hope..give her a hug for me.
Thank you all for reading me.
Waves at Nadine ~
Happy Birthday to your Mom!
Yucca plants are very unfriendly. but the root is yummy deep fried . and cooked in beef bouillon. I also use it for my favorite ecuadorian seafood soup.....mmmmmmmmmm
I guess the Jesus thing comes with the crazy gene. When I'm off my meds I believe I'm supposed to receive messages from Jesus, God, and the Universe so that I can reveal the true meaning of Life to the world. My doc says the religion thing is connected to the unbalanced brain chemistry somehow and is very common with we "crazies"...
Thanks for being you, Dirty Disher. You never disapoint. Lissa is beautiful and I enjoy watching her grow.
Yucca plants are edible?????? The roots??? I have reading to do, obviously.
Actually I got confusiated with the yucca. It's YUCA (also known as CASSAVA, also the source of Tapioca) the one with the edible roots. The spelling is different, yuca with one "c". Blame it on the coffee.
Oh, thanks.
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