Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mia's plans a hunger strike

Yahoo – Mia Farrow plans to begin a hunger strike next week in solidarity with the people of Darfur.
The 64-year-old actress and humanitarian says she will begin a "fast of only water" on Monday "as a personal expression of outrage at a world that is somehow able to stand by and watch innocent men, women and children needlessly die of starvation, thirst and disease."
Sigh. Does anyone care if Mia Farrow eats? I'm sure she means well, but, really?


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be better to just send them some food and/or money? Or do a charity fundraiser with all of her Hollywood contacts and send along the proceeds?

I mean, she's not Ghandi.

Anonymous said...

I think she's trying to raise awareness about the situation in Darfur by using her celebrity. It's working, isn't it? I mean, you are blogging about.

MaryL said...

I totally agree with Anonymous 3:08.

Anonymous said...

probably as a counter protest Woody Allen will take his wife picnicking every day at Central Park...

Eric in San Diego said...

Somebody please help me to understand how Mia Farrow going on a hunger strike is going to positively affect people in Darfur? I mean sure, it's gotten some notice and all, but I think Anon 3:08 summed it up pretty damn something that ACTUALLY matters!

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious!! Why would anyone care if she eats or not?

Also, the news clip reads as if its a one-day hunger strike taking place on Monday ;)

Mona K said...

I think it's great that people want to raise awareness for poverty in Africa, but shouldn't we also focus on problems at home? The Appalachia reigion of the U.S. is extremely poor and I'm sure there are many children there that do not get enough to eat, that have a poor education, and will continue to try and survive on less than 10,000 dollars a year. I personally think we shouldn't solve the world's problems before our own country's.

Anonymous said...

100% agree Mona!!!

Also...always wondered why we can spend so much on the NASA missions while people in our own country starve...very sad...

ronnie said...

She has NO wrinkles in this pic. Wow. I can't imagine Mia botoxing but you never know.

Elizabeth said...

I totally agree with Mona K's comments. While yes, it would be great to fix all the problems of the world, please, all of you celebrities with millions of dollars, start right here at home. Madonna, I'm sure there are hundreds of little black kids here in America you could adopt-kids just as hungry as the ones in Africa. Kudos to Brad Pitt for actually helping to build homes for the Katrina homeless.

Elizabeth said...

oh, and no, I don't care if Mia doesn't eat for a day.

Anonymous said...

I'd sooner send some cash to feed the folks starving in my own community. I do! I send a monthly donation to our local food pantry and homeless soup kitchen...
Sorry Mia...You're floating this boat alone..

Anonymous said...

This is that worthless whore Angelina's future. Doing anything to garner attention for a cause. She should have spent more time mothering her children instead of trying to save the world. These fanatics have no idea what moderation is.

Anonymous said...

I am a huge fan of Mia's and always was. I believe that she deeply cares about children and does not use her children; *cough* Madonna, Angelina; as publicity stunts or or promote anything. Mia was adopting nedy children long before the "other" started too. She has been involved with Darfur for many years and her credibility for world causes is well known.

Anonymous said...

I get that she is trying to raise awareness. People have been holding hunger strikes since creation it seems. But I've never seen the point or the connection to the cause. We get that the people there are starving, but are you, Mia, that necessary to the world that people will stop what they're doing and say to themselves, oh, my gosh, I'd better do something about Darfur before Mia starves to death? The answer is no. Sorry, but no.

Anonymous said...

I once ran into a man outside a grocery store who was begging for even just a candy bar. 10 mins later when I walked back outside with a loaf of bread, a jar or peanut butter & a jar of jelly for him, he burst into tears. This was within my own community... in the 'good' part of town. No one else was even willing to give this starving human being food. It absolutely broke my heart. I'm all for helping others but how about starting at home???

cupcake said...

I agree with starting @ home, but I agree more when it's an organized protest with ppl marching, you never see ppl in college towns or whatever marching for a cause here @ home.

As for Mia, I'm glad she's doing something positive - we do overlook Darfur on an international level. They are more than just starving there, it's a horrible war zone, their govt is supporting the killing of ppl in droves and we're not helping them.

Geelizzie, there are not hundreds f little black kids here in America with no one to adopt them. That is why ppl are doing these international adoptions.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, wouldn't it be fantastic if the celeb cause de jour suddenly became erasing poverty in the US? I am sure a single parent in a city in our own backyard, who wonders how in the hell she is going to feed her kids their next meal, doesn't give a flying fuck about Darfur. Bet she wishes somebody with money to spare would think it was chic to give a shit about the state of her life.

Anonymous said...

No one will care if Mia Farrow starves herself anymore than anyone cares that Angelina Jolie starves herself. Only difference is that I believe that Mia Farrow actually gives a damn about other people besides herself.

Major Majormajor said...

The difference is, these children, and their families are being slaughtered. Genocide.
Imagine the people in the US being killed off and tortured because they are Catholic. Or Jewish. Or Baptist.
A hunger strike by one celebrity is not the answer. But maybe it will bring awareness.
Rwanda is a horrible blight on human history. Why should civilised humans allow it to happen over and over again?

Anonymous said...

cupcake; there are demonstrations weekly on behalf of Palestine, Climate change, deforestation, vegans, etc almost every week in California universities.

The UN has been paralyzed for a decade-and-a-half with regards to Darfur. Force is the only way to remove Pres. Omar al-Bashir from power.

winker said...

She is the last person on earth that needs to go on a hunger strike. The woman is a bag of bones for crying out loud!

Anonymous said...

Rosemarys Baby is my favorite movie of all time

Anonymous said...

Who does she think she is? Ghandi????

Anonymous said...

People have always been starving in Africa. Always will. They don't use birth control and they cannot feed their own families. It's not going to change because she chooses not to eat for 1 day. What the hell is she thinking? Does she think suddenly the UN is going to send aid there for the pirates to steal & sell on the black market because she skipped 3 meals? Food sits on docks there unable to be distributed because it gets hijacked, the gov't cannot take it back & when they do...they even pimp it out to the highest bidder. It's every man for himself there. Its never gonna be different. Sadly.

Anonymous said...

she does not is she rich? I don't get it. People must pay her to help their causes. She's more well known for that than her acting.

Anonymous said...

8:38, "Plalestine" isn't a domestic issue. I don't live in Cali, but what I see here on the east Coast is usually on some international issue.


Unknown said...

I wouldn't want to see anyone starve to death..but I don't think a hunger strike is the right thing to do. I agree with 3:08.

Anonymous said...

Mia is the child of a Hollywood actress. She's also an actress. These two things make her important. So when she starves to death the world will stop and take notice and all wrongs will be corrected. Another pretentious fuctard from the entertainment world thinking that their life means something to the average person.

Anonymous said...

I love rosemarys baby too !! Awesome movie !!

Anonymous said...

To quote Jim Carrey's character in DUMB and DUMBER: "You know, old people, while slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose in life."

That fits here perfectly.

"Now, don't you go dyin' on us Mia."


Anonymous said...

Long Live Rosemary ! ! ! !