Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Speaking of crap...

I thought maybe Bridget Marquardt would actually produce a good ghost movie, since she's such a fan. Nope. It went straight to DVD and they were showing it free on the net the other night and I watched. As horror movies go, it was not the worst I've seen, but, Bridget was really bad and her part of the trilogy was a take off on Eyes Wide Shut which sucked harder than an Electrolux on high. They showed a close up of her eyes and she has to be 50..which is neither here nor there, just a fact. I hate telling this, but, Holly was pretty good in it. She played a bitch sorority girl. I can't stand Holly and we all seem to like Bridget, but, the truth is the truth. Hopefully Bridget won't do this again.


Anonymous said...

You could make your own movie and also call it "The Telling." It could consist of you just telling us not to see "The Telling" over and over and over....

Anonymous said...

I couldnt take a movie seriously with any of those bimbo's starring in it !

DirtyDisher said...

It was horror. No one takes it serious. That's a very marketable genre that's ignored. If producers are so smart, why don't they get that?

Ssmith28 said...

Have you seen Bridget's Beaches? It is painful to watch. She was much better on girls next door....

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 532, I couldn't get into a movie with any of them "starring" in it, horror movies are supposed to scare you, not amuse you.