Cybill: "I’m a Christian Pagan Buddhist Goddess worshiper, but I’m also a feminist. I think the ultimate glass ceiling is God, in another words, if we think God is a man, then we make man a God, and I studied and learned that there is a whole other history of the worshiping of the great mother," she explained. "I really think that probably God is a woman, that helped me to break through that celestial glass ceiling."
I don't know how much "studying" you have to do to learn about the history of worshiping the great mother. God was originally a woman. Don't we all know that? I guess you have to study a bit to find out WHY God became a man. Now, that's interesting. I like her. I always have and that article about her was interesting..worth reading.
Ethereal thoughts from the bored mind of a celebrity. If all celestial beings and a creator is energy; how are we going to sex it? I often womder about the gender of electricity. I guess my kitchen and bathroom energy is female, and the taser energy is male, right?. If you want to worship an entity of your choosing, you can name it anything you want. I call my chosen item of adoration "my cock". Lots of girls adore it too, and I love them for it. So you see, love is the all powerful feeling in the universe, and therefore one should be free to share it with whomever one chooses. I prefer male, female, female love. Thanks for the forum DD.
Shecky Greene is God. Everyone knows this.
She must have just watched the Divinci Code
12:52:00, that made me laugh. Thanks. I believe in energy. I know..it's a warped concept. Heh. I never thought about it being male or female. Thanks for giving me something else to ponder in my lil brain.
Aww 12:52...those girls don't adore your cock, they just find it amusing. I'm sorry you have such low self esteem that you have to brag about about a tiny pee pee and the make believe girls that like it.
In some ancient scrolls (Christian-type) the Mother is Earth and the Father is the Sky (Heaven). The commandment 'Honor thy Father and Mother' is said to refer to those, not your genetic parents. To me that's real and the commandment as interpreted by church-goers never made sense to me (yes I'm a mother of two).
I'm sick of every female saying she's a goddess. I don't know wtf that is, it's like they're so insecure about their femininity that they need to overstate it. If it empowers them, fine, but it's such a little ego trip, like referring to yourself as a diva as an excuse for your fucked up personality.
Anyway Cybill used to be entertaining and if she could still do comedy, I'd like to watch.
I was making fun of guys who think their cock is their deity. Sounds like you need some.
4:04 I'll take some cock but not yours.
God is a 350 pound black lesbian. Anyone care to prove me wrong?
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