Nancy Pelosi expects us to believe she knew about waterboarding in 2003 but kept her mouth shut for the good of the country. And she wants us to believe the CIA and Bush administration only told Congress part of the truth about their unlawful interrogation methods. Fish-faced liar. Bitch went along with the whole thing from the beginning just like all the rest of the Democratic fish-guts party. They all hedged their bets, but now they're trying to look like hard-liners who will brook no moral wishy-washiness. Torture is bad? It was bad in 2003 too, but you closed your eyes to it, didn't you Nance? Er...actually, Nancy is no longer able to close her eyes, so she must've turned or left the room or something. Same diff.
AMEN Crabbie! It doesn't matter whether you are a Dem or Rep on this one. The facts are pretty damn clear. The woman knew, but is now trying to claim she had no knowledge of it, sort of like Prejean not knowing someone had topless shots of her.
i agree Crabbie!! i hope her lame party requests she step down. I wish the whole lot of the dems and repubs step down, they are ALL corrupt assholes. they have ruined our country.
I agree. We need new blood in Washington, and term limits!. Nanci will just hope that her old friends come to her rescue.
Lets ship these fuckers to the moon and start over.
I hate this bitch as much as I hate Kate Gosselin. Thanks for calling her out on her bullshit!
This is precisely why she took impeachment off the table. She freakin knew she would be implicated when the facts came out. Prosecute every damn one of them. From Bush, to Cheney, to Rumsfeld and Condi right down to every member of Congress who damn well knew the Bush Torture Program was up and running BEFORE the Iraq war.
Amen. She's no better or worse than any other bug-fucking politician. They should all be forced to waterboard each other.
i don't agree! because i hate crabbie! :)
have a nice day!
Ahhhh Crabbie. Once again you have amused me greatly.
Strange that there are 9 comments about the woman who wants to bring this country down and umpteen million about Kate Gosselin.
Kate Gosselin can't harm America. Pelosi can and will unless someone brings her down, first.
agree w/ coyotoe
Who needs the devil when you have Pelosi in office??
Wanna see her hang herself at the press conference, today? Here's the video:
Let's hop the CIA will tighten the noose
DD and Crabbie 4 CONGRESS!
At least C-span would be worth watching!
Congress and Pres. Wilson screwed us when they created the Federal Reserve in 1913, Pelosi/Cheney/waterboarding is peanuts in comparison. Obama has our mints' printing presses spinning 24/7/365 making unbacked Federal Reserve Notes (you know them as dollars), and they are fucking worthless. Our economy is a house of cards about to collapse and the current financial mess is only the tip of the iceberg. When we need a suitcase of cash to buy groceries, you'll scream for you Congresscritter's head. Don't believe me?? Look at Zimbabwe right now, their money is only good for use as toilet paper ($1 USD = 341 Zimbabwe dollars)
As an economist I am alarmed at the fact that Tim Geithner still has no assistants!. I know why; because he is a puppet to the George Soros and Rahm Emmanuel playbook.
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