Wednesday, May 13, 2009

John's green card on display..

..As well as the bloody clothes he was killed in. Yoko says that was difficult, but, she thinks it's important. New York Annex of the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame has the Lennon artifacts, courtesy Yoko Ono. She will never let him be forgotten, as if anyone could. John's green card IS a big deal, he was a war protester in a time when that view wasn't welcome. He got in a lot of trouble for that, but, he stood his ground. Biography's of both Yoko and John are some of the best celeb reading ever. I'm a fan of both. Yoko was the first real liberated woman I ever knew of. She's thought provoking and it was shocking at the time. Yoko would not bow down to any man, even a Beatle. And she was pretty famous in the art world before she ever met him. Extraordinary people, both of them.


MaryL said...

Don't agree with you on Yoko being extraordinary, DD. I'm not one of those people who blames her for the Beatles' breakup. She saw her main chance in latching onto John in the 60s and went for it. She always was and continues to be a major-league opportunist and manipulator. I'm just saying.

Dirty Disher said...

That's cool, Mary. But, Yoko was well known in the art world before she met John. I have always admired her and her art. Her singing..not so much.

Anonymous said...

I think Yoko's pretty much like everyone - both good AND bad, in equal measures. She was a pain in the ass to the Beatles, and she DID contribute in the break-up, but chances are John would've done something equally annoying and disruptive had she not been around.

That picture's cool, though. Like the Mona Lisa -- looks like he's looking right at you.

MaryL said...

That's cool, Dirty. ;)

Anonymous said...

P.S. to my prior post. I ADORE John Lennon... didn't want you to get the wrong impression about that. He was by nature a non-conformist and a rebel, so the terms "annoying and disruptive" were meant as fact, not opinion.

TVsnark said...

As a huge John Lennon worshipper, I'm still not sure how I feel about this display. I know she loved him but it seems to me she just keeps cashing in on his death.

I respect her, she's even my MySpace friend but I wish she'd stop "selling" him.

All we are saying, is give peace a chance.

Anonymous said...

they are making a big deal out of this display but the bloody clothing bag and his bloody glasses were on display at the rock and roll hall of fame a few years ago...with lyrics, drawings, etc by's the same display i saw a few years ago...

and i have to say the bloody glasses are very upsetting to see in are angry he was murdered, sad for him and the world, etc...a whole range of emotions hit you when you see the glasses...

MaryL said...

TVsnark - "cashing in on his death". Exactly. For decades.

Anonymous said...

The only thing extraordinary about Yoko Ono is that she's still relevant. And that she's whoring out John's things.

considering that JOHN HIMSELF described her as "the world's most famous unknown artist: everybody knows her name, but nobody knows what she does," really makes it clear that she wasn't THAT well known.

She's tacky and overrated. Her artwork and "singing" is terrible.

Anonymous said...

Time to chime in for Yoko. Her music may not be to your taste, but Fly and Plastic Ono Band are incredible albums that were way ahead of their time. They still hold up as strong avant-garde rock and roll. As for her fine art work, she was an important artist in the Fluxus movement. Her work still holds up today. The challenge of the avant-garde is that is NOT for everyone. You may not like what she has created. That does not diminish the artistic importance of that work.

With that stated, stop selling John and start selling Yoko. The woman does have something to sell that is worthwhile and lasting.

Anonymous said...

I don't hate on Yoko and regardless of what anyone thinks she was his wife and he loved her.

I feel sorry for his first wife Cynthia Lennon and their son though who were just left behind. Her book A Twist of Lennon written is very revealing and sad.

John Lennon was one of the greatest men to ever live, but he was a man afterall.

Anonymous said...

i hate on yoko because of the way she treats John's son.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate her strenght, face it she has had to stand up again alot of shit storms in her time, granted all of it was self inflicted.

But i've never been a fan of her music or art. Lennon hit the nail on the head, she became the most known unknown artist, because still to this day next to no one can identify anything she's done other then keep things stirred up.

Anonymous said...

I challenge those of you who claim that "no one has heard of Yoko's work" to name 10 major contemporary artists who's work you would recognize who created this work after 1965. Just because you are not up on contemporary art does not make the work unimportant. Anyone who gets major museum retrospectives (and, yes, Yoko gets major retrospectives of her work) warrants the title of significant artist.

lia said...

no one would have heard of yoko if it weren't for john. she moved straight into having her image promoted as a major singer/songwriter just days after john died. she shacked up with some guy who was involved with her in wheeling and dealing with johns fortune the day john died. i know john had a violent streak but yoko a was crazy opportunist with questionable artistic merit which she tried to promote as bigger and better than johns. crazy and manipulative and now john's professional widow is yoko. as one reader said, just look at how she locked out julian lennon.

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY lia. nail on the head.

as for 2:10- nothing yoko's produced is important.

Anonymous said...

Okay 5:01, what have you PERSONALLY listened to or seen? Oh, wait, let me guess... You HAVEN'T seen any of her art in person? You HAVEN"T listened to any of her albums either? Shocking.