Dippy Sarah Palin has landed a deal with HarperCollins to publish a memoir. Let's hope her writing is more coherent than her speaking. My head is still spinning from some of that shit she said at that debate with Joe Biden. I actually thought she was speaking in tongues. But, this is America, so everyone gets a book deal. Doesn't matter if you have anything to say or can even put words together in sequences that convey a meaning. Carrie Prejean will soon be doing a memoir too I imagine. "How I Showed My Tits and Still Got to Pretend I'm Morally Superior." Palin's probably pissed she didn't think of showing her tits. It would've distracted people from her words at least.
I think I love you, Crabbie!
I hope that photo is on the cover of the book.
That Prejean whore is a ballsy one with the lies. Her top flew open in the wind, the photographer is to blame for the nudity. She actually said if there are more semi-nude photos of her, they were likely taken without her knowledge in various stages of undress!! LOL What a prefect role model for the lame.
Crabbie ,you make a living being cruel. Hope the pension is worth it
hey if you can have a blog, why can't a loser like her have a book? just sayin
oh, and i think i still hate you crabbie
Put it to a vote---AGAIN! And when same sex marriage is voted down for the umpteenth time; make accusations (baseless, by the way), cry foul, blame conservatives (even though Obama has the same views), march in the streets and be vocal about wanting the same rights as heterosexuals. Lose the vote and cry racism because not everyone thinks like you. Fuck it, I couldn't care less because although I am a consevative Catholic, I believe that LOVE is the reason why people want to be together. If your heart yearns for same sex lovin'; God bless you, I can't see Jesus damning anyone for loving someone, regardless of their sex. All you NAMBLA fuckers better stay away though, keep your old pecker in your pants.
Palin has a different view than most people here, where tolerance and anger, and conspiracy theories trump sensible discussion and debate. Politicians are bought and paid for on both sides, so nothing will ahppen until we have term limits and a stricter political action funds scutiny.
Although I lean to the center right, I have voted for Dems in the past. The system is flawed, and if you are commited to only one party then you are doing a disservice to the country.
12:21 A-freakin-Men.
The 2 party system is broken and blind allegience to one party is as ignorant as it is dangerous.
I hate her and she's ignorant and crabbie can draw tits on her for all I care.
Drawing tits on her? But...but...that's Perez Hilton's shtick! That means the terrorists will have won!!
Blind allegiance to _anything_ is foolish and irrational. Why should party politics be different than religion or patriotism or baseball teams?
Whenever I put on my uniform in Iraq or Afghanistan when I was a Marine, it always gave me a sense of pride and comfort to love America, and all Americans. High stress strengthened that bond with all servicemen there to the point that I feel true kinship to everyone wearing a uniform. Saw real poverty and pain there, and it fills me with compassion now when I see kids or homeless people here. I hate politicians (all of them)- but I am proud to be American, and to have done good in both countries overseas, despite politicians.
She's brashly overconfident and blatantly ignorant and insensitive. She's typifies the Average American to non-Americans and that's why America is so unpopular world-wide.
Many people don't realize there's an intelligent faction of Americans wishing their attention-grabbing compatriots would fuck the fuck off.
So Joe (I've got a three-letter word for you--J-O-B-S) Biden is your idea of a genius, Crabster? Yikes.
And she SAVED same-sex rights in Alaska, when the legislature wanted to rescind those rights. Get your heads out of your asses about her, Dishy and Crabby. Just because she ain't your idea of a perfect person, doesn't mean she's a caricature of all that you hate. You tolerant twosome.
I agree with above--
I'd hate to be represented by someone as stupid as Palin. She's seriously damaged in the brain department. IG-NO-RANT.
dirty disher doesn't know jack about Palin.Just turns on her crude meter and thinks she has something to say.I've seen your pics -go plant some grass on your ponderosa
Awww, that's cute. You're jealous.
Thank You Jarhead-
I am proud of you too...and thankful for your service....
Why the hate on Palin? What makes Biden any smarter? Just say your a dem and you hate rep DD.
Palin is awfully popular in Alaska, despite the CNN/MSNBC/BS 'polls' from the Lower 48 claiming otherwise. I'll take her over Lying Pelosi or Spying Jane Harman any day.
As for Carrie Prejean: she's not a role model, she's a freakin' beauty contest participant. She hasn't shown any more skin than what you can see on numerous nudist beaches across America or on Australian/European beaches where being topless doesn't cause people to foam at the mouth.
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