Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nicole Richie promotes organic gardening

You can be an ambassador of anything, it seems..Nicole promotes organic gardening in urban schools. She's young and trying to do some good and make her life meaningful, so I'll give her a pass here. But, where's YOUR garden, Nic? I doubt she's grown anything in her life and she's too young to be a serious gardener, but, those school programs are great and there should be more of them, and the kids should get credits for them. Growing something to eat is so much more important than high school algebra, which, let's face it, no one, except math majors, ever has any use for. When's the last time you needed algebra? That's what I thought. When's the last time you bought over priced produce? Uh hu.


ronnie said...

I couldn't agree with you more, DD!

Anonymous said...

I rank Nicole on the same level of respectability as Kim Kardashian. Anyone whose fame is tied to being friends with Paris Hilton is to be mocked and ridiculed mercilessly for eternity. Even worse, she was the FAT, BITCHY friend. Remeber? And then she was famous for having an eating disorder/drug problem. Now she's cranking out kids w/ some lispy faux punk a-hole.

She is just worthless, and an afternoon of putting pre-sprouted plants into the ground and watering them isn't nearly enough to make up for her total lack of talent. Congratulations on your lifetime of non-accomplishment, Nicole!

Anonymous said...

Even if she gets a gardener to get one going for her, it'll give her a sense of connection to what she eats and that's better than nothing.
It's nice to see she's doing something like this.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a big fan of Nicole's, but I do think she has grown up and is not the snotty brat she used to be, unlike her dumbass friend Paris, who is still doing nothing but shopping and going to parties and acting like a 13-year-old.

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with 9:06.

And at least what Nic is trying to get involved with is a good cause and could shape up into something more if she wanted it to.

Anonymous said...

She doesnt look very preggers on these pics, how far along is she supposedly?

Anonymous said...

what happened to her belly? Up til now it was out there? I couldn't squat like that 6 months along! Kudos girl!