Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sheep dog would get naked for the right role

Vanessa Hudgens (to E!): “Right now, I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing it, but like I said, when the time’s right, if it’s an amazing movie that I’m really passionate about and that’s what it calls for, then we’ll see.”
Oh, for crap's sake, you already got naked on your cell phone camera and sent it to little teen idol boys and we've all seen you naked. What planet of stupid did this girl fall off of? My gawd, stop talking.


MaryL said...

The planet Uranus, which she thinks is a suppository.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Vanessa, that's the "right" answer.

Eric in San Diego said...

Well, having already seen Ms. Hudgens au naturale, it ain't no big deal. "Right role?" More like "Right ROLL"!!

Anonymous said...

lol @ eric, true enough.

Whats with letting the bangs grow till they cover half the face?

Anonymous said...

"Whats with letting the bangs grow till they cover half the face?"

She's a stoner now, can't let her peeps see her higher as high as Lindsey Lohan.

Anonymous said...

What is up with that stupid thing she does with her mouth? She looks like she ate a sour lemon. Those creepy little Oleson twins do that same sour pucker look too. Is this supposed to look cool?