Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Winnie the puke

Kate Gosselin still has her Winnie and his honey pot tat. We know where her honey pot is..it's in her secret bank account. The one she hides from Jon and the IRS. Before Kate was married and became the symbol of American motherhood, she was a whore. Truth. They just about said so once on the show, but, Kate shot Jon the death ray and he shut his mouth. I don't hold that against her, but, whoring out your kids is another story. Kate has to have a body guard just to go to the organic grocery store now. That's how famous she is! Golly gee, it's a big responsibility to be famous. The children are still allowed to play in the estate yard with no supervision though. I guess they don't need body guards, because who would want to mess with those kids? No, it's Kate who needs protection. You just don't understand what she goes through. She has 8 kids! She's exhausted-ish. Even Winnie is looking tired and faded.


konspiracytheory said...

So klassy! An old WtheP tat goes great with those $300 shoes. Why in the world hasn't she gotten rid of that thing?

Anonymous said...

And once you go black......

Anonymous said...

Tacky Tacky. And childish.

Dirty Disher said...

She had a really shitty rose on her stomach, but, it got cut out during her tum tuck. Which we all got to watch. Jon has all kinds of stupid tats.

Bruce'sWife said...

I doubt any of the kids will be getting tattoos that say "Mother" any time in the future.

Kate (not THAT Kate) said...

OK, full disclosure. I have a dreamcatcher tattoo on my lower back. Tramp stamp, I know, but I still like it. Reminder of my youth and its not in a place everyone can see all the time. I would NEVER get a tat in an obvious place like an ankle and I would never get something as stupid as Winnie the Pooh. Come on.

seachelle said...

She should get a dollar sign tatooed on her lower tummy now...just above her "cash box."

Anonymous said...

Do we know the name of Mr. Black? Wonder what security firm he works for...

Anonymous said...

Clomid = cash in the bank. Is that it?

She's an embarassment to the rest of us. I'm looking through you, Kate.

Awesome said...

kate, a tramp stamp is the most obvious place to get a tattoo. you don't even make sense.

Unknown said...

Why? why WtP??????

Anonymous said...

She isn't fat enough to have a Winnie the Pooh tattoo.

Disher said...

I guess I should have called Kate a slut, since I don't know if she charged for her services. I would think she did, she charges to look at her.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if babymama has a WtheP tattoo? Maybe she'll get one after she hires a big, rock star bodyguard...She needs one about as much as Take.

Shelly said...

I had a shitty little tattoo like that when I was a teenager. It was a lightning bolt I got when I was 16. I tried to have it removed when I was 20. The doctor did such a shitty job he didn't charge me, and I have a deep scar from it. A few years later I got ANOTHER tattoo to cover the scar. Lilly's that go from my ankle to my knee. Very beautiful tattoo, done by a real artist. THANK GOD I never got any more. My mother cried when she saw it. I can wear pants or knee socks to cover it when I want, which is most of the time.. I'm on the fence about tattoo's. I like men with full sleeve art and I think men look "naked" without them, but women? I vote no, especially those shitty little ones.
Go Kate, great idea to get Winnie the pooh! And you know she's thinking about that big black dick, especially after being with two inches of dangling Korean death for 10 years!

Anonymous said...

"Dangling Korean death", has got to move to the top of my best, one-liners, for the day! Thank-You!

Anonymous said...

kate- dream catchers are trashy. having one as a tramp stamp is ridiculous- don't call the kettle black.

Anonymous said...

Thats a tat that someone named Miss Tia would probably have heh.

Kate (not THAT Kate) said...

Wow, who knew there were some real KG defenders here. I'm not getting into a pissing match with you two. Apparently I should have checked with 5:04 on the appropriate use of the term "tramp stamp" and 7:17 doesn't realize what kind of site this is. Whatever, my post was meant to be taken lightly and in the spirit of DD's post. I guess others have to attack me personally for it, no biggie.

Anonymous said...

Katie, (NOT that Kate)..
The rabies carriers love to do the bite and run.
Kate's got caught in the cheating scandal and their all a twitter!! So they strike out at others. They'll be okay once Kate's new Trailer Trash Designs hit Walmart. LOLOL

Taffy said...

Trailer Trash Designs hit Walmart........my god that caught me off guard, just about chocked to death on my polska kill boska.......bahhhhhhhhh

to much!!

Anonymous said...

It has been around the web for a while that Kate was a major whore before Jon. She seems like the type. We all those those girls. They bash hookers, but they screw a guy within an hour of getting a free drink. That is soo Kate.

Anonymous said...

this is a gossip site. not a dream catchers site. what was your point?

Mary said...

Good grief, what is with those ridiculous purses she carries around??? Does she really use all that space? I don't see how, since she never has the kids with her anymore anyway.

Must house her knife sharpening kit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:04- or if you're a lesbian.

Damage Control said...

US has 2 articles (incl cover)
Star has Jodi & Kevin speaking and
Life & Style has them on the cover.
Let me know if you want links?

Anonymous said...

here is a link to an article released today in People


Dirty Disher said...

I saw en all yesterday, I'm tired of Kate.

Anonymous said...

She really is working those new boobs. I know that one of the kids must've told her, "you know what, Mommy dear, go get yourselves some new boobs because that would make me very happy and it is my gift to you"... it is all for the kids.

Anonymous said...

You really must be jealous or something for you to bitch about this woman and her family so much... Whoring her children out... the only whore around here is you... Oh, I am sorry your up there next to God (in your mind), so you can't whore right?