Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol"

There ya go, Noelle. Seems this is pretty popular reading now and I'm happy to give you guys a place to discuss it. Could someone give me a brief synopsis? The web one's are terrible and a mile long.


Dan Zinski said...

Synopsis: Dan Brown realized he was down to his last 500 million so he went back to the magic elves who gave him the idea for The Da Vinci Code. The elves suppressed their giggles long enough to feed him some more bullshit no normal person would take seriously. He gave them their hand-jobs and skipped merrily back to his desk to begin typing up the story.

Anonymous said...

I <3 Crabbie

Clarabel said...

We can always count on Crabbie to be heard from on the cynics end of the spectrum.

Cut On The Diagonal said...

love me some Crabbie!

Melissa said...

I'm afraid you are probably right on, Crabbie...

Frimmy said...

Dammit...I just bought this book and haven't started reading it yet. Now it has suppressed giggling bullshit feeding hand job enjoying elf scam written all over it. Does he still stick it to the church? That's all I wanna know. Could be good for a rainy day off.

Noelle said...

wow we are off to a fabulous start.
On the page before the prologue.
"All organizations in this novel exist, including the Freemasons, the Invisible College, the Office of Security, the SMSC, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences." That last one I am most fascinated with and know very little about.

So far it seems the bad guys are looking for a portal to another dimension. There has been much discussion about the number of dimensions and theories about them of course the good guys think it only a theory. But the good guys have all the right tools and knowledge.

Tell me if this is true, on the ceiling of the Capitol Rotunda there is a painting of George Washington becoming a god. He was a Mason.

Sorry Crabbie many normal men for centuries have taken the secret order of Freemasons seriously. Of course adversely women have taken the Order of the Eastern Star very seriously. Any Mason I have every know seems pretty religious, always loyal to the secrets in their old club, and seem mostly interested in raising money for sick kids and such.

Lots of symbolize. I find it kind of fascinating, I believe Dan Brown puts a fictional story around all of these real life symbols and beliefs.

A fast read novel. Check it out. It won't be to painful.

Noelle said...

How many elves for a good hand job?

bella said...

Haven't read it yet...waiting for hubs to finish our copy. Loved Crabbie's synopsis...almost makes me want to follow him on Twitter! :) I am looking forward to it as I love the way Dan Browne weaves the truth in with fiction. I don't know about the painting, but there is a statue called George Washington Zeus that symbolizes him as a deity. (Hubs made me google it while he was reading the book.)

Bayou Jane said...

I believe you misread Crabbie's statement. It was Brown who gave the hand jobs. So, sense elves are small, wouldn't we have to think of the size and perhaps call them finger jobs? I don't know. What do you think?

Crabbie, I'm sure you have a view on that! Let's hear it!

Bayou Jane said...

Sorry! I think I need speel check on here. Sense should be since.

Also, why haven't we had a comment from Pat. I'm worried. Are you taking some time to yourself?
Or is there more trouble?

Bayou Jane said...

And speel check should be spell check and I will stop while before I do any more damage.

shmedelle said...

Crabbie always finds a way to put a positive spin on things.

Nadine said...

It's after 1:00AM for me and I can't stop reading..... hand job or not.... Dan Brown does his research and knows how to write a book you don't want to put down.
I guess I'll "skip merrily" back to my bed and continue to read what Crabbie calls bullshit and I call interesting.....

Noelle said...

Crap. really want to read what anonymous says.

I'm starting to worry about elves employment.

Nova . It was very interesting tonight.

Noetic Sciences. Look that up.

Anonymous said...

fyi spelling
in your moon picture to the right, there is a spelling error.
old. not olds.

Anonymous said...

If there was ever a chance to look in the Vatican safes there would be a shit storm in the world. Sharan Newman wrote a great book about the History of Templars and the real story behind Da Vinci Code.

Corruption and greed have are hosts in Rome. Do they behave like Jesus would?.


Anonymous said...

I believe DD will have to fwd your spelling error notice to the site that she posts that moom phase thing from. I don't believe she wrote that.
I am going to have to get this book now. I remember when The DaVinci Code came out. I was at the airport, I saw dozens of ppl boarding & coming thru the terminals with that book in their hands. I don't believe this one has been the phenomemon that was. But I want to read it now. Freemasons are so interesting. My g'pa was one in GA. I will buy a copy. Thanks guys!

Nina said...

I just got this book. haven't started it yet, but will. I liked Angels and Demons and the Da vinci Code. Brown is a great researcher.

Matilda said...

Noelle... It's interesting that you mention other dimensions. The "string" theory is that there are in fact 11 dimensions although physicists can't prove it. I don't know if there are that many dimensions but I've always believed that there are other planes of existence and the universe is made up of more than our 3-dimensional spatial reality. It would sure explain "paranormal" activity. And if time runs forward and backward simultaneously then it makes perfect sense that we are able to read someone's future as well as their past.

Anonymous said...

String theory....I love the show The Big Bang Theory.

Dirty Disher said...

Yes, I did write the moon code. I wrote all the codes for the internet.

Crabbie is a frustrated writer. Dan Brown's bank account gives him hives.

I don't have this book, but, I am reading you guys.

I don't care if they're elves, if they're male they'll want a blow job. Someone needs to do research.

Ali said...

LMAO, So enjoying the blogger's in this comment section, today/last night! Pat, agreed someone needs to do research, BJ's indeed! And for the kinda' writing Dan does he would defenitely have to blow some people to get that good of an insight!

Matilda, i totally agree with you, other dimensions have to be possible; dejavu falls into that realm, too. i always have visions of things that are going to happen and when they happen I get a little worried but then try to remember more of my prior vision so that i can try and change anythign that is currentl happening and of course, i cannot! I know i sound kookoo to my friend Crabbie but it's ok, I love Crabbie Pattie (LOL, the restauratnt that spongebob works at).

Pat, so glad you are commenting, responding, things will get better, I know they will!


miss tia said...

i believe in different dimensions and planes of existence too...

freemasons have always given me a very evil vibe....

Matilda said...

Miss Tia... I've had some dealings with Freemasons and it wasn't very positive. My ex decided to join and boy did I see some strange stuff! He'd come home from a meeting all secretive about it and then spend hours doing this hokey-pokey stuff - making gestures and maneuvering this way and that practicing for his initiation. The kids and I would stare in amazement! He wouldn't say a word to us - we weren't supposed to know what any of this stuff meant.

He'd go to the lodge every week and as time went by he started acting goofier and goofier. I'm not saying all Freemasons are goofy, but... they have some pretty strange ideas. I know that for a fact!

miss tia said...

i have NEVER felt such unmitigated EVIL as i did one time when freemasons held a convention at the KSU student center...i was at the credit union with a friend i just felt sick all of a sudden and i said "there is something very evil going on around here" and i went to go outside and all of a sudden the doors open to the center's ballroom and all these freemasons come pouring out! i RAN out of that building as i felt like a great dust cloud of evil was approaching me....

once i got outside i felt better....i felt the evil before i knew even what was causing it...

Matilda said...

That's an interesting story! I got some bad vibes the one and only time I agreed to go to a lodge supper. It was a special event and all the woman-folk were able to enter the sanctity of the "great room'. It creeped me out, especially all those smiling "stepford wives". I couldn't wait to get the hell out of there. Those people just acted strange... it's nothing I can really put my finger on. But when you get that gut feeling that something is wrong you better high-tail it in the other direction.

miss tia said...

ever since that time i have avoided free masons like the plague...i won't even read a book about them! there is just something very very evil associated with them as far as i am concerned....

Maggie said...

I will still give my donations to the Scottish Rite hospitals for children. If that is evil, I am good with it. They are free for the afflicted children.

Anonymous said...

MissTia, thanks for generalizing about freemasons. I am sure you give them a "bad" feeling as well.

I bet your Grandpa was a cool guy. Freemason from the South probably could have talked your ear off on the front porch. Greatest generation; no doubt. I grow sick of the lily-livered chicken shit society of today.


miss tia said...

i wasn't generalizing free masons i was relaying the feeling i got....if they think i'm evil, i don't give a flying fuck....i think they are evil and i have never ever felt such a powerfully bad evil feeling before and i hope i never do....

Bohemianmoon said...

Web Boy gave it 60 pages and took it back.

He traded it in for some Margaret Atwood (Good choice IMO).

Frimmy said...

Just finished it now. I have to wonder about a story that has several of its characters making the statement or asking the question "you don't understand (do you?)" so many times I lost count.

I love symbols. I find it fascinating that symbols abound right under our eyes and most people are not aware of their meanings. I love that the non-christian underpinnings of Christianity are exposed in Mr. Brown's novels. Most beliefs come from the same source so why can't we coexist peacefully? Why do we feel entitled to judge each other's beliefs so harshly?

However I got mired down reading "The Lost Symbol" and was reduced to skimming the final chapters because I just didn't care anymore and I wanted it to be over. Seriously, the lost word is the word? I thought the bird was the word. Another belief ground to dust in the Brownmill.

And really, another lunatic religious fanatic fixated on Robert Langdon? It's getting old.

The parts dealing with actual groups and actual buildings/architecture/artwork was interesting. I wanted to start reading the book over again sitting by my computer with google fired up and waiting for the next mention of a sculpture or painting or an organization mentioned in the story. The rest was beyond my ability to suspend belief and I never became immersed in the story like I usually do and that was disappointing. What I came away with was the fact that Mr. Brown is a fan of the Masons. That's cool, I have no feelings one way or the other. I know a few. They're excellent men. That wasn't the point of the story though.

He mentions a lot of interesting subjects, places, people and sciences that are individually worth studying but he failed to knit it all together with a common story that engaged me and hopping all over the place with chapters half a page long didn't help. In my opinion Mr. Brown needs to seek out a new group of magic elves for a fresh perspective.