Kate's people are spinning some crap about all her responsibilities now that she's a single mom. She's not a single mom, you fucktard PR asslicks. I could write an entire page about this, but, I have to go to work. All that money and all those properties they own and all the people that work for them and they can't keep their dogs?? Why the fuck would unemployed Jon move to NY when his kids live in PA anyway? Why the fuck is Kate such a CUNT? Their kids can't catch a break anywhere you look and what about the dogs? It's the only home they know and they aren't puppies. This whole thing stinks and I hate Jon and Kate. They are rotten, rotten, vile..things.
Maybe Jessica can take them. Hopefully they won't be snatched by any carnivores.
RIP, Daisy. I'm pretty sure she isn't coming back. Aww.
It is so cruel to take away a kids pet.
When I read this story I picked up my two cats, and gave them snuggles and kisses. Not only are your furry friends invaluable, they can also teach kids lessons on how to take care of something and responsibility.
I just think Kate Gosselin has reached a new low. Don't fuck with the animals, bitch!!!
I'm not a big fan of Jon Gosselin but at least he is NOT the cold-hearted, cruel bitch that Kate is. Fucking bitch!
This is fucking horrible. Giving up one of my pets would be like giving away one of my children. That video was horrible too with those kids standing in the doorway and him saying; Say goodbye to your dogs. Ughhh I would love to punch him in his fat face!
Nissa: I'll hold both John AND Kate down; you knock 'em out, how's that? Kate is such a lazy bitch!! With all the help she has, she can't care for TWO dogs?? Fuckin' fucktard TROLL-HAG.
10G (Gina)
This makes me sick. I don't think this is about the dogs at all. He's so obviously punishing Kate by punishing the kids. "Say goodbye to your dogs." What a heartless bastard. I hate both of those horrible people.
I'd rather they give up the dogs than neglect them though. At least the dogs now have a chance to go to a home where they'll be loved.
It may have been more kind to give the dogs back to the breeder than to neglect them. The shame of it is the way he did it. I hate them both. This about press, as always. It's about them, and not the kids. Those kids need just flat out need new fucking parents. J&K need to jump off a cliff, together please! I will throw the after party. Who's in? The dogs will be invited!!!
Agreed but that doesn't change the fact that those kids and the dogs got a shit deal. Goddamn this pisses me off!
Arent the two older ones old enough to feed and help care for the dogs????
I cried when I read this and saw the video. Then I hugged my dog lots. I just don't think Kate wanted anything to do with these dogs, into the crate you go.
I agree with you completely. I volunteer for my local pug rescue group and the stories on how we get these dogs are amazing and so heartbreaking. It breaks my heart and I am so sad for the kids and the dogs but I have to believe that the dogs will go to a better home where they're loved and taken care of.
Didnt she have a problem with the kids even touching the dogs? I'm surprised the dogs lasted this long. The dogs may even be glad to be gone. I couldnt live with Kate, & those dogs shouldn't have to. Jon is a prick ass hole for doing this. Just everything that slitty eyed bastard does annoys me. Those kids are gonna go Menendez on them!
I am so sick of these public parent screaming the single mom card. They are NOT single parents! You CANNOT be a single parent with a houseful of nannies.
This goes for Madonna and all those other rich bitches who claim they are single moms. Get over it.
Thank God the dogs are gone. Maybe now they will be raised by people who actually know how to take of living creatures. This includes their kids too.
typo take care of them.
I also want to add that these kids are going to be and are so fucked up because everything that they have loved in their lives in ripped away. Pathetic fucking parents. How cruel. The dogs are better off.
Pat, I have dogs, and they are the loves of my life. I couldn’t imagine “giving” them away. I wouldn’t accept a million dollars for them. I can’t imagine how people can treat their pets like “things”. I'm so sad about Nala and Shooka, but given the circumstances, maybe they're better off.
I rarely comment about Jon and Kate, but like so many other “Christmas Presents”, these two beautiful pups are being cast away because of irresponsible owners. Shame on Jon and Kate.
The kids didn’t really seem very bothered by losing them—they didn’t even stay at the door long enough to see the truck pull away. Obviously, the kids were never taught that they had a responsibility to take care of them, either.
I would have thought Jon, who “seemed” to be the most attached to them, would have taken them into consideration before buying an apartment in NYC that didn’t allow dogs.
Dogs need constant and consistent love and care. Every time I go to PetSmart on a weekend, there are so many year-old dogs who were once adorable, furry little “Christmas puppies” that were purchased or adopted by people who didn’t make a long term commitment for their lives or keep the promise to train, nurture, and love them. Jon and Kate have joined the same group of morons and losers.
I’m hoping that the Gosselin pups can be kept together and go to a caring and loving home. I’d guess they are more attached to each other than any of the family members so the transition and move might be the best thing for them. I’m sure they have a better chance at adoption by someone who will treasure them than many other dogs do.
I hope the breeder makes a stipulation to interested parties that the pups won't be separated from each other.
This is so, so sad. Maybe the little ones won't be as effected now, but Mady and Cara sure will be. They will be heart-broken when they get home from school and the bitch is in NY patting herself on the back from her appearances on the View. I hate these people!
I got a puppy when I was in 4th grade(it died 2 weeks later from heartworms). I can remember crying my eyes out, at least my Mom was there to console me.
They didn't even have them for a year !
Innocent sweet doggies being locked into
a crate for days and days on end. Jon should
have taken her & crated her up and taken away !
Bored ita the kids are being taught that
anyone/anything is disposable at anytime.
Even a meaningful loving relationship be it
a grandparent aunts uncles cousins to a
childhood pet. It messes with the basics of
a loving developement and trust issues within
any future relationships they will have. All 8
of these children will grow up into adulthood
scathed with attachment issues and negative
odds against them. Kids learn by the example
the parents set forth upon them. What they see
and is tolerated in the home is to be the norm.
They don't (at five years of age 0r 8 ) have the
capacity to deal with the fallout of being cutoff
from friends /family/pets however the damage is
done and still remains there inside them buried
and internalized. It's very sad :( & a shame too.
I agree....Mady and Cara are certainly old enough to feed, walk, work on trianing etc...with those dogs, and they should have been.
If I hadn't just gotten a puppy I would notify the breeder and ask to adopt one/both.
I have always wanted a well-breed Shepherd and they are still quite young. I am confident they will get a good home, so in that respect I am not too concerned.
The kids standing at the door way was just odd....have we ever seen that? No! I think Mady and Cara will be heartbroken, but who knows.
As I said at Moon's and on my blog as well-this shows Jon's defeat. I don't think that guy is doing well at all.
Khate won't take off her rings cuz it will upset
the kiddies but she will get rid of their beloved
doggies ! What a F N bitch !
And how difficult could it have been? Fenced massive yard, lots of room to roam-all the pics I saw the dogs looked happy with their herd of kids. Kate doesn't have a clue as to what she lost, but Jon did. He knew they were happy "country" dogs. Even seeing Alexis chasing after it with a toy of some kind was terrible, but the dog didn't look like he was attempting to retaliate. We don't know if there was an incident.
I just am dumbfounded how Kate still has been unscathed in all of this. Her reputation has not been hurt at all-if anything she is gaining momentum. I don't think she is going to fail to get what she wants.
I think the dogs being taken away
from the kids (I blame Kate, IMO
Jon clearly loved the dogs) is on par for Kate--she removes everyting from the childrens life that they love--including their Dad as much as the Court thus far will allow her to. Watching the video of the children in the doorway to me shows how the children are use to seeing everything leave their life.
(Beth, Aunt Jodi and Uncle Kevin, etc.) I did not see emotion from the kids. My kids would have been
in trauma, bigtime.
Pat, this is just a sad, sad day for animal lovers.
Put khate in a krate and get rid of her !!
I have long thought those dogs should go back to the breeder. Jon and Khate had NO business adotping those dogs in the first place, and I'm glad the dogs will at least have the chance to go to a home where they'll be treated humanely instead of the way Khate treated them. I'm not even sad for the kids, they didn't even seem that attached to them. Probably because Khate never let them play with the dogs.
I grew up with German Shepherds, I would take them if I could!
This whole issue makes me physically ill. I hope the dogs find a wonderful home.
The kids where told mom and dad took vows to be together forever and that took a shit. These dogs were their Christmas present last year and now they're history.
I think even the little ones are starting to figure out that their parents are lieing dirtbags...
This is the worst form of emotional child abuse imaginable! OMG these 2 are THE WORST PARENTS EVER.
On the other hand, the dogs truly are better off.
Did anyone see Khate's hair on the view yesterday? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I think the view's hair person doesn't like her!!!
I would not automatically proclaim someone who gave back a pet as evil. I adopted a cat once and I had to return her a few weeks later. She became very vicious towards me and constantly lashed out at me, and she was beating the shit out of my elderly cats and making them too scared to even walk around the house. I simply could not keep her, and frankly, I don't think she wanted to be kept-she was obviously unhappy at my house: she NEVER displayed that type of behavior at the shelter-she purred, she was affectionate, etc. I was shocked at the change. I have previously adopted four cats from the same shelter and they have all worked out great. I think perhaps this cat did not like that I have dogs who live inside the house.
However, in Jon and Kate's case, I doubt it was a matter of neccessity. They probably just got tired of the dogs and decided "Meh, I don't need this anymore" and dumped them. There is NO excuse for that, especially since they have employees who could do all the dirty work (picking up dog poop, etc.) for them.
I am sorry for the children that they lost their pets.
As an ardent proponent of responsible "pet parenting", I believe those dogs are better off. Can you imagine what sort of life they had in that house of horrors --where the kids are foraging for scraps-- figuratively and literally? It's no stretch to imagine where the DOGS were on the Gosselin food chain. And I've seen far too many puppies inadvertantly abused when left in the playroom with unsupervised and too-small children.
It's a crying shame this sham family brought in "pets" to begin with. No doubt the idea didn't originate with Jon & Cunt-- more like the producers wanting to illustrate how "normal" the family is... er, was.
God, I despise these people even more now. If that's possible...
I forgot to write about this is my first comment because I was getting upset about my cat--but I too think Kate's "I'm a single parent!" line is crap. She is such a douche, she has no idea what it's like to be a single parent. My mom is a single parent who gets NO help from outside sources, unlike Kate who probably has an employee just to blow her nose. People who have an army of help and then play the "Poor me, I'm a single parent" card suck.
Let the Kids go back to the dog breeder.
This reminds me of a conversation my husband and I were having with his stepdaughter about pets. She said she doesn't like having pets cause they either die or you have to give them away. My husband got pretty upset when he heard that, we had lost our Simon cat (his buddy from even before we met) not too long before that, and later told me "how can she have that mentality...pets are not things you just give away when they serve no purpose for you".
Does anyone remember the video on TMZ which showed the Gosselin kids taking swings at the dogs with plastic bats?
I think that video prompted someone to file a complaint with the ASPCA. Jon even mentioned in today's video that there was a second complaint and that the ASPCA came out to examine the dogs.
That could have been the deciding factor to give the dogs back.
I certainly don't agree with that because it hurts the kids but at least the dogs are away from the evil bitch Kate.
I just read where the breeder is going to keep the dogs indefinately. Freedom, playtime and the pleasure of bonding with their extended canine family. Something the Gosselin KIDS may never get to enjoy, unless it's staged and filmed for TLC...
When I kicked my abusive ex-husband out many years ago, I had two small children and two cats. There was a recession at the time and I could not find a job. I had no choice but to go on welfare for me and my two kids. The social services department made home visits and the worker told me I had to get rid of my cats or I wouldn't be eligible for benefits.
You can imagine what this did to us but having no options at the time, I found them a home together.
Kate Gosselin is not on welfare. FAR fucking from it. Therein lies the difference.
11:55:00 YOU were a single mom, Kate is not. I can't believe they made you get rid of your pets. WTF? I think the bitch was lying to you.
And I agree that sometimes there are real reasons to re-home a pet. But, they G's are just users, everything is disposable.
I bet that there will be an outcry about this from viewers, and Kate will end up getting a new puppy for her kids to "make it all better."
I can just see a Very Special Episode where one of Kate's minnions brings in a puppy and Kate gushes, "See? A shiny new dog! And it's not old and ugly like those other ones were. Well, yet, anyway. Okay, go play with your new dog now, kids."
And then when the puppy gets older Kate and Jon will dump it's ass too.
Not surprised in the least. I knew from the very beginning those 2 dogs wouldn't last long in the Gosselin household. It was obvious Kate never really did want them... she made that clear. And Kate always seems to get her way, doesn't she? Her fans will give her a pass on this just like they forgave her for every other vile thing she's ever done.
I hate serial pet owners. People who get a dog or cat, then give it to someone a couple of years later only to repeat the same behaviour over and over again. Seriously, I've been on a rant about such people for the past two weeks.
It's despicable.
DD wrote: But, the G's are just users, everything is disposable.
That's right. And fortunately the networks know that once they've outlived their "usefulness", reality TV stars are disposable as well.
If you ask me, the Gosselin's are waaay overdue.
Kate only keeps things & people around that give her attention. She has no heart. One day she'll either get help or get the consiquences for all her evil ways. The dogs are better off but I feel sorry for Jon & the kids.
I was disgusted when they got not one but two puppies and had no clue how to handle them. The kids did not seem all that excited about the idea so I could not figure out why they got them in the first place. I am glad the breeder was responsible enough to take them back and hope he finds a better home for them on the second try. I think it was irresponsible to let them have 2 puppies in the first place. Poor dogs, but bet there is a better home for them out there.
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