Anyone else ever used these? I bought one and it actually works. I have to saw like a demented carpenter on crack, but, my heels don't feel like Satan's leathery sandpaper anymore. I know! I'm usually ranting about getting ripped off. This thing is good though. One side is the cutter and the top is actually sandpaper. Best $10 bucks I've spent lately.
I've heard these work but the commercial grosses me out. I can't watch it if I ever want to eat grated cheese again.
LOL! I like looking at my old skin, it's like human confetti. I just about posted to you on Moons. I know it's 9/11...but, what was your rant??
OMG! Thank you for the good heads up on this. I have seen it at Walmart and thought about buying it, but didn't know if it was any good.
This may be too much info., but I'm always barefoot (or with flip flops)and honestly my feet are gross with calluses.
I'm going to give this a try.
Does it work better than a pumice stone?
Pat, I found something better than the Pedi Egg. Our pool is salt water but I have a friend who has a chlorine pool and I use it when I want to soften my feet. My feet would get so crackly and gross. She OVER chlorinates her pool and just putting my feet in it for an hour a day for 3 days straight and I have feet smoother than a babies butt. I guess you could always get some chlorine and put in a bucket and use way way less. I only have to use her pool once every 4 months to keep them that way. Weird I know.
I was going to get this to. But I just went with the 1 dollar cheese foot grinder kind. It works for awhile.
I thought about buying one of those, but I was afraid I'd end up cutting into my feet.
So what I do that works for me is soak my feet in warm/hot water with Epsom Salts in for about 10-15 minutes squirt some exfoliating body wash on a buff puff pad and scrub my feet good. Then after I rinse and dry, I moisturize my feet with a good lotion. Works great! You have to do it about once every week or two tho. But the foot soak is heavenly, and I feel so pampered afterwords.
WTF is that?
Do those work on nose warts?
I want one! Right now I use my dogs paw butter. It works! All I need to treat are my heels. But this egg thing does gross me out when they show it being dumped in the trash. *blech*...it is disgusting. But if it works, well, hey. I want this thing & Sham Wow!!! LOL...
OK, tell me this. Just how many keys would a keyboard require to type that chinese shit? The keyboard has to be huge!!! wow..Is that spam?
Ugh! I lost my comment. Basically my rant is this. I'm tired of feeling like a second class citizen in my own family. I could write a 20 page entry on why.
I'm also sick to death of every conversation I have revolving around pregnacy and babies. I'm thrilled for my friends and my sister in law but I need a break! It's making me crazy.
They're great! They save me from having to get a pedicure every two weeks. Using these I can get by every three weeks!
I have one and LOVE it! Works so well! Much better than pumice. It's kind of weird that it works best dry, normally you have to soak your feet first, but this works. And it's totally disgusting, but kind of cool (to me) ... I like getting rid of "waste" and looking at how much collects before I dump it.
Chlorine is a pretty harsh chemical to be relying on to make your feet smooth. It is likely dissolving the dead skin, but imagine what that does to your insides when it passes through the skin and into your bloosdtream - yikes!
I have one. The skin doesn't stay under the blades but other than that, it's nice. Sometimes I just use it to scratch my feet.
use with caution! over zealous usage leads to tender soles! i learned the hard way unfortunately.
Alanna, sigh. Tell me about it. No, really, you can tell me about it.
That thing was a bot. I'd report it, but, who would give a shit? No one.
Pumice stones are silly for dry yuky feet. They don't do nuthin'.
amen Alanna! My friend of 15 years had a baby 5 months ago and nothing else in the world exists. Constantly texts pictures of the kids. We get it! You had a kid! Whoopdee freakin dooo
Alanna Smithee,
I hear you. Some people get soooo self-absorbed when they are pregnant, as if 30 billion people before them haven't done that. OMG, anon 8:51, at least it's a digital pic! What about people who give you a printed pic of their kid? Then, your left with this thing taking up space...like, wtf am I going to do with it? Am I an asshole for throwing it out? LMAO!
Also, IMO, women get waaaaay to obsessed with their stupid fucking weddings, (as if a gazillion people haven't done that either, and they're all the same)!
It's a scam that has been drilled into women's heads since they were little girls.... Call a bakery, and tell them you want a cake with xy and Z, and they'll give you an estimate. Call the same bakery, and tell them it's for a wedding, and the price triples.
Alana, I hope you can find the words to express how your family makes you feel, and tell them. Or, tell us. we'll give ya a high five.
Pumice stones suck? Good. All along I thought the gnarly things that I walk with were just beyond hope.
I'm gunna be shaving my feet this weekend. It's good to have plans.
WARNING: I find this utterly disgusting....
DD this just reminded me of a new 'treatment' I saw on the news that they do around here in NYC. It's like a pedicure but in the water that you soak your feet in, there's little tiny fish. Like hundreds of them. They eat all the dead skin of your feet. Supposedly it doesn't hurt, just feels like a little buzzing or something. Some places have a huge like foot jacuzzi and multiple people put their feet in at once (YUCK x 100) and the fish just go to town. They say it works wonders.
Wonder if you can find a place that does that in Iowa? LOL. Would you even try it? Def not me!!!!
I read that the thing with the fish will give a person a lovely bacterial infection, something like vaginitis. Not that I would know. :)
ew i saw that fish thing on Weeds a couple episodes ago. I'm another weird one that find the "skin confetti" kinda cool. As long as it's mine though, lol! I've always wanted one of the pedi things. I always wear flip flops and sit cross legged, so i have this really gross rough spot on my ankle. I take a pumice stone to it then rub this gorgeous smelling body balm from avon on it. I love that stuff. But as with everything i love, they don't sell it anymore :( My brother steals it for his razor burn too.. i have to lock that stuff up! haha :)
shmedelle, Don't get me started on the wedding thing. I just put my niece's comments on hide on facebook because I can no longer stand to see another detail or countdown to her wedding.
When will they learn a wedding does NOT make a marriage? They are a big waste of money? (IMHO)
I swear I never had a problem with dry skin on my heals. I never go barefoot. I hate it and wear flip flops in the house even in winter. Then I went for my first pedicure and they used a pumice lightly on my heels. Now I have rough skin there. They started it.
ChitownPeg: I'm with you Sister on the Wedding thing. I put my own Step-daughter on hide on Facebook for the same reason.
I have one, I use it in the tub after my feet have soaked in soapy water awhile,it's ok but a professional pedicure is still best for getting the dead skin off, they have those cool razor blade thingies.
I have one of these and I think they are great. I actually sit outside to do it, because the flaky stuff tends to fly. You do have to be careful to rub in the right direction.
I'd rather hear about a baby or a pregnancy all the time instead of a wedding. Weddings...gowd, why do people spend so much on them???
Fish gross me out and that treatment made me want to puke.
I think they talk about the wedding so much because they can't see past it. They think if the wedding is a fairy tale, the marriage will be too. They are in for a rude awakening.
I won't even go swimming if I know there are fish in the area. I'm certainly not going to purposely stick my feet in a tub with them swimming around.
More than once when they were younger, my kids would rub against my heels when they had an itch. They thought it was so funny. I just went out and bought one of these; we'll see how it works on my alligator-skin heels.
I have one and it does nothing for my feet. Mine aren't real leathery though. Also the skin collecting in the egg makes me want to vomit. I don't recommend it.
Fish gross you out? really? do you eat seafood?, interesting. I eat just about everything, especially spicy.
That egg thing works. When I got back from deployment my feet had an extra inch of dead skin on them from wearing boots for so long. I could peel thick chunks of like peeling an orange. Gross I know, boys will be boys.
I have to agree that fish nibbling on me is a complete, "gross out"
I live barefoot around the house and on the beach. I also run a lot so the bottoms of my feet are as tough as nails, and look it too.
The chlorine in the pool does help. I have been known to take a razor blade and actually shave layers of callous off my heels...Gross huh?
I have one of these and it works pretty well. I also use one of those, sandpaper paddles, right after I shower.
My husband bought me one last spring when I was pregnant and couldn't reach my feet to pumice them. Problem is I wasn't sure I should say thank you for the thought or what the hell cheap bastard! Buy your poor wife a pedicure!
ah, i have somethign similiar from tweezerman or something like that and it is awesome, it came with the thing that has the razors to cut your dead skin off but that thing just scares the hell out of me and really does not work, so i started using the "sander" as i call it, and love it...all the shaved skin is interesting, i dump it in the trash-o-la as a sand away!
Oh, yeah, one commenter said to be cautious about sore soles if you over "sand" your feet and this is a warning you should listen to!
Pat, i agree, again, pumice stones suck and they tend to brake in my hand when i am widly going at my dead cracked skin!
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