Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jon Gosselin GMA Sept 8, 2009 Interview about Kate Good Morning America

He's mad now. He has every right to be mad. Kate is a liar. But, I don't know how this will help his kids. But, then again, I understand it, he's just so sick of her bullshit. She abused him for years and now she continues to lie on him and try and control everything. Actually, I wouldn't be shocked if he kills her. TLC would have a nice high rated episode if Jon just offed her on air. Oh, and I would have punched that interviewer in the nose when he told Jon he has to watch what he says about Kate. Fuck you, dude. No one told Kate she has to watch what she says about Jon. Or how she should have watched what she said to him on the show. That makes me mad.


Cut On The Diagonal said...

I watched this last night and everyone here was appalled at that interviewer. It was totally unprofessional.

Matilda said...

Some people are like slinkys:
not good for anything but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.

Anonymous said...

Jon is a dirtbag- plain and simple. Anyone that defends him after this interview is a fool.

Nina said...

The interviewer did get a little, off his mark, with some of his comments but that could be production telling him to play the fence a bit in order to give both sides of the debate a moment of joy.

I thought Jon poured his heart out. It sucks that every time one of these parents pees it's all over the media but they wanted it, they got it.
I like Jon better, douchebag decisions and all. Kate is an obnoxious and crass bitch who has NEVER considered another living soul over herself.

Matilda...that comment was pure evil! I loved it, because it is sooooo true!

Anonymous said...

Yeah i'm sure when the camera wasn't rolling she was even more of a bitch. I've seen this personally where the wife belittles the husband for as long as he can take it.When he snaps, the bitch can't believe it. Then she's the victim.Wait and see how that bratty older twin turns out. She's gonna be off the hook .

Casey J. said...

That interviewer was a dick head!

Casey J. said...

LMAO @ Matilda's comment!

ronnie said...

I used to think Kate was way, way too hard on Jon. Now I see that she pretty much HAD to be in order to get him to act even somewhat like an adult.

He's an asshole of a douchebag who acts like an overly entitled teenager. Give me a break. He's spending his money on whores and trinkets and badmouthing the mother of his kids to the media. How and in what world is this defensible?

Anonymous said...

I don`t think Jon can use Kate`s abuse as his excuse for behaving like an absolute asshole. I feel sorry that he had to take that for so long but for that he should have gone to a therapist and met positive people in his life not act like a fifteen year old with condoms for all the world to see. His children are young and impressionable they do not need more shit when they are already going through a divorce. Everyone says Kate is a selfish bitch, but I think Jon is worse for going out and `doing what he wants` instead of thinking what is best for his kids.

I refuse to feel sorry for an asshole who leaves his children to go host parties.

Frimmy said...

Her statement was she's not going into details about their lives that should remain private??? Does she even pay attention to the things she has said about him and to him on their show? No she doesn't because she's entitled.

He has to watch what he says about the "mother of his children"?? but it was OK for her to belittle and emasculate him in a public forum year after year?

Gag me. I don't like either of them but I'm glad he's out of there. She's a shrew. Unless she undergoes a personality transplant, the children will view her as contemptable in the end just like anyone else with a smidgeon of intelligence, perception and common sense. (which obviously doesn't include all the anonymous posters defending her)

bored said...

I watched it and I TOTALLY believe Jon 100%. And this is why.

He could not contain himself with information and every interview that Kate has had, she had to sit there and think about the answers because she was lying.

Jon had real tears and I beleive that he generally loves his kids, but is acting like a douche right now.

However; he needs to stand up and stop the show and him and his cunt Kate need to get jobs instead of whoring out there kids even more.

Anonymous said...

I did not say Kate is in the right, I say Jon CANNOT use this to justify his behavior! If he didn't have any children then by all means go right ahead and live the life he wants, but he has eight YOUNG children who are already going through a divorce. Should he not think of them or is it still okay for him to be an asshole because he is the victim?

Anonymous said...

Frimmy- just because a poster says Jon is a douchbag or a dirtbag or whatever- that does not auctomatically make that poster a Kate fan. They are both idiots but at this point Jon is idiot #1.

shmedelle said...

I think Jon got hooked-up with a controlling shrew when he was 22. They had twins right away, and had NO business using infertility medicine for more babies. You don't have to be Jackie-O rich for a big family, but you do need an income to raise kids.

Yes, he was abused by her. Did you catch the home movie (when the twins were tiny) that showed kate saying "Daddy doesn't listen, do it right, Jon".

He was controlled from day one.

I still think he is wrong for allowing his kids to be exploited.

Does Jon have ADD? Or, was the editing just choppy?

Laura said...

I really appreciated Jon's authenticity in the interview. He came off as a caring, concerned father.

Jon confirmed many things that Jodi and Kevin Krieder mentioned in their Radar online interviews.

Jon came off as a real person with real emotions. Put that up against Khate who is controlled and rehearsed. I'm not a big fan of either but I will give the edge to Jon.

He exposed Dr. Phil as a participant in the TLC+Gosselin brand sham. Kate is more concerned about the Gosselin brand than what is best for her 8 children. Can you imagine being a "brand"? That's pretty dehumanizing. The Gosselin kids aren't seen as kids, they are a brand. Gawd!

ronnie said...

FYI Frimmy, I don't have a Blogger identity and I definitely disapprove of Jon's behaviour. That doesn't make Kate a saint nor does it make me an anonymous idiot. People are allowed to have differing opinions - get used to it.

Barb said...

Ronnie hit the nail on the head. I think they used this sarcastic manner of communicating from day 1of their marriage. As time went along, Kate saw that if anything was to get done in that household, she would have to do it or give careful instructions to Jon to do it He just isn't that bright. He quit his job at first opportunity, and did not go after another one. Still hasn't. He's counting on his kids and his "charm" to pay him. You might not like Kate, but at least she is out there negotiating for work , appearances, writing books,etc.She is the one who is working at paying the bills and support him.
That reporter was right to ask him the questions he did. He was telling him to watch what he was saying about the mother of his children. In court for the divorce, a judge would view his remarks about her as using very poor judgment. What are the kids to think when they view his remarks about her? And, they will see it. If not now, then later.
So, she's working for their security, and he's out whoring around and making ill thought out plans with Michael Lohan, who he should be staying away from. I'm sure that the reality TV world will not be waiting for a show about divorced dads, or at least not these 2.
And, when Kate went to house when it wasn't her turn and tried to get in, show me any woman who wouldn't do something a bit "crazy" when another of his young somethings is babysitting, and for all she knows, sleeping in her bed. Many women would have done the same thing she did. Why does he need a babysitter if he is so anxious to spend more time with his kids.

I think Jon is a dirt bag, and should be lucky he had Kate in his life. He could have tried communicating with her better. Or if he was really unhappy with her treatment of him, he should have initiated couples therapy.
The problem here is that he sees his cash running away from him and he has grown quite used to it, and will do or say anything to get it back. But, I don't see anything more coming out of his deal with Ed Hardy because he came to see someone who is not a good business person or person.

I'm not saying Kate doesn't have much room for improvement, but she is far better than Jon. And the reason she is slow in answering questions is because she is choosing her words carefully so she doesn't berate him or speak ill of her children's father. NOT because she is "thinking up lies".

Anonymous said...

Barb...Kate chooses her words so she doesn't berate him? I'm sorry sister, but she's done that the whole time they were on t.v. and long before then, I doubt she's worried about it now.

Team Gosselin Kids.

TVsnark said...

The double-standard is amazing. She can say things to him like, "I don't care how YOU were raised," and "Don't listen to daddy, he's mean," and the fans think that is just fine.

I'm glad he's speaking.

TVsnark said...

Jon is a dirtbag- plain and simple. Anyone that defends him after this interview is a fool.

Now I want to defend Jon so anonymous thinks I'm a fool.

Jon was abused. I can't blame him for anything he says or does. Kate is an awful human being.

If Jon is a "dirtbag" great . . . Kate is a double-dirt-bag with a bag of stale potato chips.

Anonymous said...

Barb, (everyone correct me if i'mm wrong), but didn't he try to get her to go to therapy and she refused? I believe he did try and ending up going by himself because she wouldn't .

Anonymous said...

Frimmy, sometimes I post anonymously only because I'm too lazy or in a hurry to sign in .I'm sure sometimes people do hide behind the anonymous thing, but not always.

Mary said...

He's spending his money on whores and trinkets and badmouthing the mother of his kids to the media. How and in what world is this defensible?

And Kate doesn't do the same thing to him? She doesn't bad mouth him to the media every chance she gets? Huh, ok.

Anonymous said...

I've watched Kate accuse the man of being fat, bald, not speaking correctly, not breathing correctly, not doing any number of simple tasks correctly.
I've watched her hit, slap, pinch and poke him. He didn't appear to be laughing so it wasn't a joke.
I've seen her park her ass in chairs and bark orders or plant her hands on her hips and do the same. The kids have even mentioned it on the show.

In the next breath she admits he did the kids bath routine EVERY night. He did ALL the dusting and vacuuming. He did all the yard and fix-up stuff. He painted and moved furniture and hauled garbage around.

Had any of you saw him doing and saying one tenth of what we've watched her pile on him, most would be making noise about calling the police, for the, "poor mistreated woman."

He's made bad choices. The worst was getting married to a narcissistic, bitch who had her sites set on stardom when she roped him into playing, "sperm doner," during her clomid overdose.

Whatever she gets in the end she deserves. He'll come out of this okay because he is a basically flawed but likeable human to begin with.

She, on the other hand is a crude, crass, mouthy-bitch who will trip and stumble through one tabloid wreck after the next for as long as she attempts to keep her pathetic, "ummmmming tour" in front of a camera.

There is NO point in anyone worrying about the kids. Jon and Kate have BOTH done and said enough on that show and in tabloids, magazines and interviews to insure a lifetime of issues and tragedies for ALL of their children.

Anything from here on out is little more than iceing on an already poisonous cake.

Frimmy said...

FYI ronnie: I didn't say all anonymous posters. I said all anonymous posters defending her. And I was specifically referring to anon 11:14. If that was you so be it. If any other posters feel I meant them yada yada shoe fits yada yada. Most of the trolls I've seen post here have remained anonymous and I feel it's to hide. I don't care why anyone else choses to remain so. It's up to them and I don't care.

I also have no problem with other people having an opionion differing from mine. The Gosslin children are the only ones worth defending IMHO and I'm glad John has left because maybe there's hope that someday the kids will have a somewhat normal parent who is not interested in exploiting them. Time will tell.

Some people exist only to serve as a warning example to others.

Vicki said...

Anon 6:48: Bravo-well said.
(So sad your prediction of the
Children's futures, but most likely true)

Anonymous said...

Wow after reading these comments in support of Jon I can now understand why he gets all the young women.

This is not a man who is finally happy to get out of a bad marriage and meet people who would be a positive influence on him and his children. This is a man who got out and doesn't seem to even remember he has children that he "would do anything for". This is exactly how some teens behave when they hit university and finally get a taste of freedom from their parents. They thankfully don't have eight children who lie in bed at night worrying about daddy and mommy.

When your child calls her mother to say that you are leaving them at home with a young nanny to go out partying then you are a shitty father and that you cannot blame on anyone but yourself.

Dear Frimmy, don't you worry your pretty little head I am way above the line of American mediocrity. I simply couldn't care less about making a profile and signing in.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, Barb. Jon has already had to deal with Kate, can you find it in your heart to cut the man a break. He is human after all and more likable than Kate.

Kudos, Anon 6:48.

Anonymous said...

The divorce can't come soon enough-
No doubt he has been abused-
Apparently, he lacks a filter between his brain & mouth-It's open mouth, insert foot-

Anonymous said...

How much does Kate care about these kids she has been photographed hitting in the driveway, with holding water from on film, mocking their teeth and behaviors with horrid faces on the show as well as pointing at flaws of theirs, calling the boys dirty, yucky, icky?

She could have changed the direction of the negative publicity way back when it first started to crank up in season two.

Discretion in filming the kids and NOT highlighting Mady as an insufferable brat. She could have also gotten her attitude and cancerous personality in check.

TLC would have bowed to those requests because the show was doing well. But, NO, Kate bought into their bullshit about showing fans, "real" reality.

She was more concerned then with ratings then damage being done to her kids or marriage. She parades the kids in front of the paps daily because ALL exposure is good exposure.

She has done multiple interviews and thrown Jon under the bus. TLC works with her because she is the narcissist addicted to not only the funds but the attention.

She has worked every bit as hard as Jon to create this tabloid storm that will follow those kids for a lifetime.

Her creating a situation where police needed to be called was damaging to the kids. Had she not been such a howling bitch for years I'm pretty sure Jon would have been reasonable.

Jon likes the cash and continues to defend the show but once out from under her poisonous clutches he may actually see reason in time.

I'm banking that she will crack after awhile and with luck slit her own damn throat. It would be the kindest thing she could do for her kids.

She's made too many remarks about NOT cracking or giving in. That means it's on her mind and she is coming dangerously close.

Matilda said...

I can't stand either one of them. I wish aliens would take those 2 to a galaxy far far away. Seriously, though, if they are suffering (i hope) because of all this negative publicity then they've gotten their just desserts. Suffer away you two dumb, self centered, greedy idiots.

Frimmy said...

Yet you care to make your opinion known and choose to do it by making personally disparaging remarks to others for their opinion. I can see why you could care less to make a profile. It's probably the same reason why you could care less owning your comments.

Anonymous said...

sick of both of them....


iheartmyhubby said...

The interviewer would never have taken that tone with Kate. She would have been coddled and then spit out canned answers.

Anonymous said...

what a whiney wanger
bet you that by the end of the year his girlfriend is knocked up ,or hopefully she dump this crybaby

Alison said...

Jon has already been on the cover of PEOPLE magzine. I think he has bitched enough! Time to shut up Jon! (And Kate too!)

What I would much rather read is an article in a few years on how the kids feel about their parents pimping them out.

Anonymous said...

People seek their own level the ying and the yang they can have a submissive and dominate relationship or friendship a abusive kinky sex relationship look around how do you explain Bobbie Brown and Whitney Huston, Rihanna and Chris Brown Starr Jones and BiggayAl If he ffinally found his balls and got out good for him.

shmedelle said...

Here's an idea. How 'bout when it's not Kate's turn with the kids, she goes to a children's hospital and volunteer for the weekend? Jon could do that too.

All the help they had with paper towels from God, and utility bills paid by neighbors. It's called what- goes-around-comes-around.

These two ingrates need Compassion Boot Camp!!

and, DD, you punch the interviewer in the face. He deserves it.

The Gosselin's deserve to be water-boarded with shit diarrhea water!

bored said...

Please people! If this was a woman who had been abused for 10 years, all of you would be screaming bloody murder in the streets. But, since it is a man all that is said is what a scumbag Jon is. Big deal he partied, had sex with women and made mistakes, he is human. The guy probably has not gotten laid in 5 years he probably was like a prisoner seeing a woman for the first time.
Granted I am not the best supporter of Jon, but the guy lived with a controlling cunt who can be heard on video bashing him daily.

That said, the show should be taken off the air and these two should get real jobs and not exploit their children.

Alison said...

shmedelle-Jon actually did visit a childrens' hospital not too long ago (after the split with Kate), but it was obvious the whole thing was a photo op. (I saw the pictures on Crabbie's website.) I hope nobody told those kids "A celebrity is coming to visit you!" because I can't imagine how disappointed the poor kids would be...they were probably expecting a REAL celebrity, like Johnny Depp or somebody.

I doubt Kate would ever go near a hospital, since she is a germaphobe. (And also too selfish to volunteer.)

Corina 1.0 said...

I can tell you what is going on with Jon: (well, I guess anyway): he has spent the last 10 years not being true to who he is. Now that he isn't around her to be her physical and mental punching bag, he can finally be himself, and the relief of the release is so great, he just has to spew out all that crap he has let himself push down all these years.

Anonymous said...

Protecting the Brand
that is what this is all about
in case you missed it. kate wanted to do Dr, Phil Jon said no cause it wont be about saving the marriage it was about PROTECING THE BRAND $$$$$

shmedelle said...

Alison, OMG LMAO! I was thinking Johnny Depp too!

I just meant that now it's their turn to give back. And not a yard sale of their used shit, only done for a TV show in which they will collect 75 G's for (and publicity).
They should just WANT to do it, like you shovel your elderly neighbors driveway....even if they don't know you did it, just did it to be nice.

Alison said...

I agree it would be nice if Jon and Kate would give back without the camera crew filming them, shmedelle! But I don't think they will. I am always amazed by how little celebrities do for charity, considering how much money they make. From what I've read, their idea of "charity" is usually going to a big party and buying expensive handbags or clothes, with a (small) portion of the money going towards charity. How very, very generous *rolls eyes*. Either that or they go soley for the photo ops.

It would be nice if they would actually help out charities just because they want to, but they hardly ever do. Such a shame, because they have the money to make a real difference.

I don't think Kate will ever help out charities because she seems to have convinced herself that she really deserves all the freebies she gets (!!!) and is not grateful for them, and does not feel she should "give back". As for Jon, he would probably agree to do charity work as long as he got paid in ED HARDY t-shirts. ;)

Anonymous said...

Darling Frimmy,
I am pretty sure I "owned" my three comments since I stuck to the point that she cannot be the justification for his behavior. At the moment he is a bad father figure and he needs to change that.
I was not Anon. 11:14 and have not made any "disparaging remarks" to other posters. That brings me to a little bit of advice: when on the attack it is best not be a hypocrite (wrt. your post at 1:42 and 8:27).
Now, if you had difficulty following or discerning which were my comments from other Anons. then maybe you are the one lacking intelligence. Oh dear was that a "disparaging remark"? Do forgive me, us Anonymous people don't know any better.

shmedelle said...

Yes, of coarse they should give back, that's what NORMAL people do who have been helped so much. Not helped, fucking supported.
Remember when they had that yard sale? I recall someone "bought" their triplet strollers. I thought, if that were me, I'd just tell them, "take it, it's yours". Even if the money was going to charity, the money should NOT have come from the pockets of parents with multiples. They have enough expenses. And Kon should have UNDERSTOOD that, intimately.

Alison, what can I say? They are the biggest assholes on the planet.

To quote The Dirty Disher, "the only thing Jon and Kate are good at, is making the rest of us feel like better parents."

valle said...

" To quote The Dirty Disher, "the only thing Jon and Kate are good at, is making the rest of us feel like better parents." "
ha ha that's what I watch Supernanny for!

ronnie said...

Mary, she certainly didn't treat him nicely while they were together but as far as I know she isn't talking smack about him to the media other than her passive-aggressive comments on her disappointment with his 'life choices' and 'recent behaviour'. She isn't giving the media the same hateful soundbytes that Jon is and that their kids will one day have to hear. As far as I know she isn't partying it up like a teenager or buying falshy sports cars and pricy jewellery for her flavour of the week. Oh wait, I mean SOULMATE. Ha!

Frimmy, I never sign in anonymously. It's just that, not being a blogger, I don't have a Blogger ID. But I always put my name. I know where you're coming from, no one likes trolls.

Listen, I don't think this is a situation where EITHER of the parties could be considered 'good' and the other one 'bad'. They are both pretty messed up in their own ways. It's just that I was all set to be on Jon's side because I didn't like the way Kate talked to him. Now I can't be on his side because he is coming off as the biggest douchebag I've seen in a long time. I'm on no one's side but the kids and I wish they would both just shut up. Of course, they won't because how else will they ever get paid? They claim to dislike the scrutiny and the fame but they are both terrified of losing it. Where would the money come from then?

Dirty Disher said...

They have enough money now. They never have to work again and neither do the kids, if the money is handled right.

Anonymous said...

The media needs to leave him alone already. Let him be. He's been through enough. Imagine living with a woman like Kate for 10 years! It can make anyone want to go hook up with the first woman who came their way after all that abuse. He should be able to say whatever he wants. She has blasted him in the media for months now.